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A/N:  I've had so much writers block with this story! This is a short chapter and gives you guys some closer so here's to the final chapter of this story! THANKS FOR READING! :)


Shout out to @:Auburn0wl and

(Name) woke to a familiar white ceiling and an infuriating beeping. She blinked and stared into the light above her. She looks around and saw a machine that makes an infuriating beeping sound, and a chair on the other side of me, beside that the room is bare. She blinks once more as the door opens. Batman enters into the room and looks at her, before closing the door. He says nothing and takes a seat by her in the only chair in the room.

"How did you know they were machines?"

"I didn't. Jack wasn't real though."

There is a knock at the door. Bruce walked over and opened the door allowing Wally and Conner to enter the room. The two boys had bandages that cover a majority of their skin. They looked like they had gone through hell. Wally ran over to where (Name) laid in the hospital bed and Conner shortly made his way over.

"Jack was..." Conner started to say.

"Wasn't real. It was a robot not Jack. He's dead," (Name) said sitting up in her bed.

"How can you be so sure?" asked Wally.

"The first time I killed him myself, I made sure he would stay dead. Funny what love makes you do," (Name) said as she looked down at her hands with a small smile.

"Love?" asked Wally.

"Ya, I loved him once but the formulas twisted his mind, heart and soul. I could see in his eyes he was in pain but he never said anything."

Connor left the room hearing Megan call for him, leaving (Name) and Wally alone.

"Can I ask what the white liquid was," Wally said taking a seat.

"Project 001. It's what started it all. It what killed Jack's mind, gave me wings and changed us forever. It melts you alive from the inside and your body turns to a liquid on the inside and you can feel it all. You can hear it. So as your body turns into a water balloon, you mind still functions. Eventually leaving you like a caged animal with no one to hear you scream but yourself. They left us like that for years, both of us strapped to table with the white liquid inject into our veins, and all we could do was take it. They gave a blue liquid allowing us to go back the way our bodies functioned once more. I rehabilitated well mentally but Jack, Jack lost his mind. He began a shell of a man only doing as told and no longer thought for himself. "

"What was Jack to you, before?"

There was a moment of silence between the two friends.

"You don't have to answer (Name)," he said taking her hands into her own.

"He saved me from the streets and protected me and loved me. He made me never feel alone. He was my best friend. I loved him like he was my family and now...now I'm lost and all alone once more," with that said tears started to form and roll down (Name)'s cheeks.

"I know it hurts to lose someone so close but at least now you're not alone."

Wally pulled (Name) into a hug and they sat there for what seemed eternity. (Name) looked up at Wally and smiled.

"Thank you," (Name) said and placed a firm kiss on his cheek. Wally turned bright red but kissed her on the lips.


A Flightless Fall (Young Justice x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now