27. This Love

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A few more minutes pass, and I finally pull myself together and stand up ready to go. I don't want to leave, but I know I have to. I make my way for the door, and look back at her still sleeping before I open it. "I love you." I tell her one more time. "I'll always love you." I open the door and take a deep breath as I step out, leaving Rachel behind.


Finn's POV
I wake up in bed and throw out my arm to the other side, expecting it to wrap around Rachel. When it doesn't, I open my eyes quickly and then remember that she's not here. I sigh and roll back over and bury my face in the pillow. I want her here with me. I don't want to sleep by myself. Even if she's back in the other room I still just want her here.
I finally gather up the courage to get up and get dressed for the day. I go into the bathroom trying to get ready as normal, but every so often I think of Rachel and stop for a few moments. I wonder if she's awake? Has she woken up alone? What if she's scared and all by herself? I don't bother to brush through my hair this morning, I just go out of the dorm as quickly as I can, grabbing my bag as I leave. It's Wednesday, but I don't have any classes today fortunately, so I'm going straight to the hospital to check on Rachel. I made up some sandwiches last night and put them in my bag, along with a couple of juice cartons since I'm planning to spend my day with her and I'll get hungry and need lunch. The lobby still isn't in use, so I have to take a detour and use the staircase instead of the elevator. I run down them eagerly and when I reach the bottom I head to the back of the building where there's another exit for me to go through. As I leave, I text Santana just to let her know where I'm going and to tell her that I'll update her if I hear anything. Within minutes I get a reply saying she'll be coming soon, she just has one class first.

I arrive at the hospital, state my name and who I'm seeing at the front desk, and make my way back to the part Rachel is in. Before I sit down on one of the chairs in the hallway, I notice the same doctor who spoke to us yesterday walking through the halls. I should probably talk to him, see if there was any news overnight.
"Hi, excuse me?" I run up to him before he enters another room. "Has there been any more news on Rachel?"
"No, we're currently just waiting to get results back from the tests we did. She's still unconscious, but you can see her if you want."
"Okay, thank you." I walk away and over to Rachel's room, and open the door slowly. She's still laying in the same position she was yesterday, she hasn't moved at all. I close the door behind me and move to her bedside where the chairs are.
"Hey babe, it's me again." I gently kiss her forehead, and then sit down. "The doctors say they're just getting results back from some tests they've done, so hopefully it won't be long before we know if there's been any permanent damage or whatever."
Almost an hour passes of me just sitting with Rachel, and I pull out my phone and see a text from Santana.

Will be there in half an hour. Just finishing up class. :) Santana.

I text back just saying 'Ok' and put my phone back in my pocket. "Santana's coming soon," I tell Rachel. "So you'll have both of us here. I don't know how long she'll stay, but I'm going to be here with you all day." I hold her hand again. She feels slightly cold, but maybe that's normal.

Time goes on and soon Santana arrives.
"Hey," she greets me as she walks in. "How is she?"
"No change, but they're checking on test results." I update her and she nods. She walks over and sits down on the chair next to me.
"Any news about Natasha?" She asks.
"I haven't asked."
She looks at Rachel. "This whole thing is so ridiculous. She shouldn't be here."
"No, she shouldn't,' I agree. "but she's going to be alright so we don't have to worry."
"Yeah, I guess so. I just can't help feeling guilty. I should have gone after her."
"It's not your fault. I feel guilty too, I'm the reason they were fighting. But Sam says that it's Natasha's fault, her actions led to this. So we can't really blame ourselves." Santana looks at me and nods.
"Yeah, you're right. We didn't know this would happen." She looks back at Rachel and sighs. "I just wish I could have done more to help her."
"You did the best you could." I comfort her. "Anyway, what exactly happened? I don't really know how it started."
Santana shrugs. "It was just some stupid argument about you."
"Tell me about it." I ask. "I just want to know how she came to be here."
Santana takes a deep breath. "Well, the three of us were in drama class just doing our normal work. We have to come up with a production about love in our groups, and so far we haven't got anything." I look at her, eager for her to continue. "Natasha mentioned that Rachel should come up with something since she's in a 'stable relationship' as she put it, but my big mouth hinted that things weren't going to well for you both." She looks down guiltily.
"Carry on, it's not your fault." I encourage her.
"Natasha started teasing and patronising Rachel about you guys fighting, asking if you'd finally left her and seen sense, stuff like that. I tried to step in but Rachel told me she could handle it herself. I guess that's where it all went wrong. They carried on arguing until Mrs Gerrald came over and told them to go out into the lobby. The whole class went silent because, you know, we all love a bit of drama. They were slapping and screaming at each other, I'm pretty sure Rachel was crying. It was all very dramatic really. Then I guess they made their way out of the lobby and weren't looking at what was around them. And then we heard the crash." She shrugs and looks down. "I'm sorry Finn, I should have gone out with her."
"No, you did what any good best friend would do and respected her choice."
"Yeah but now look at where she is!"
"And that's because of her and Natasha, not us. I mean, Natasha's more to blame obviously, but no one could stop them. From what I know, if girls want to have a fight they'll have one."
Santana laughs. "That sounds right."
"All we can do is just be here for her. That's what she needs now."
"Yeah, you're right. Sorry, I'm really depressing to be around."
"Stop saying sorry." I laugh.
"Sorry. I mean--" She laughs too.
"Do you want a coffee?" I ask her.
"Yeah, please."
I get up and walk out of the room to get us both coffee. I need to be by myself for a minute or so.

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