68. For Worse Or For Better

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I'm glad you had fun. Next time maybe I can be more convincing to make you stay. X

I text back a quick 'goodnight' and get into bed, turning off the light. I drift off to sleep, smiling, dreaming of hopeful things.


TWO PARTS LEFT (+this one)

Two weeks later — Tuesday
Finn's POV
I have Maths again; I feel like I always have Maths. But today, I don't hate it.
Santana and I have swapped places, so she's with Sam and I'm sitting with Rachel. A couple of days ago the idea of that would have scared me like hell, but everything seems fine.

We're laughing together about algebra jokes in the textbook and it feels so good to see her smile. Especially as it's because of me.

We've been going out more recently. I took Rachel out for Chinese early last week, and then after that we had dinner at the dorm again. We haven't done anything yet this week, it's only Tuesday, but when I get to have a night in alone I feel sad because she's not there.

It feels like I'm getting used to having her around the dorm again, but then she leaves and I remember she isn't sleeping there anymore.

Sam taps my shoulder and points down to the bottom of the right page.
"What's the answer to this?" He grunts.
I laugh. "68." Then Rachel turns and nudges me too.
"Finn! You shouldn't just give the answer. You should explain how you got it."

"Why? It's not like Mr Schue is going to call on us."
"He could do." She shrugs, and rests her case as her conversation turns to Santana.
"Have you spoke to Britt?"

Santana shakes her head.
"Who's Britt? Like, Brittany?" Sam asks, and Rachel sighs.
"Santana's girlfriend. She's meant to Skype her, but hasn't been."

"What's her last name?" He pesters.
"Pierce," Santana cuts in, "why?"
Sam's eyes widen and he turns to me, stunned.
"What?" I ask, although I was trying to keep out of it.
He pauses and shakes his head. "Nothing. I don't know her, sorry. I thought I did at first."

Rachel comforts Santana who just rolls her eyes and insists that she's fine, but as I look back to Sam, I watch him stare at the number 68 written on his work as Mr Schuester announces an assignment for Friday.


"Hey, Finn," Rachel sneaks up behind me as I walk out of class and taps my shoulder, immediately getting my full attention, "do you want to get a coffee?"
I smile. "Sure. Now?" She nods.

We seem — or, Rachel seems — to have let go of all that happened, especially with the baby.
I still think about it, and I'm sure she does too, but we get along like we're still together in a non-intimate way. It's as if we broke up but didn't. It's weird.

"You go sit down, I've got these." I tell Rachel as we join the queue in the coffee outlet.
"Okay. I'm gonna grab that sofa table at the back." Rachel points to a booth table for two and makes her way over.

I reach the front of the line and Blaine greets me. I have no reason to judge this guy, but he just makes me uneasy. I know it's jealousy. Stupid, stupid jealousy.
"Hey, what can I get you?" He smiles, "Oh, hi Finn. Here with Rachel?"

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