8 - Some call it love

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"Thanks for showing me your attic," Connor told me as the both of us landed not-so-gracefully down on my bed. We both thought it would be fun to jump off the attic ledge at the same time. Apparantly, the bed didn't. It started creaking under the both of our sudden weights and pressure on it. We both clung on for dear life should it start to break or something. Fortunately, it didn't. Good for me!

"No problem," I told him. "You're the first person who isn't me who's been up there, or who even knows about it. It's great to watch people there, because most attics are used as storage rooms, no one thinks of looking there," I rambled. 

He looked at me and chuckled, somehow managing to make my insides squirm as he made himself comfortable by leaning back on the wall, which was my only attempt at having a headboard on the bed. He opened his arms out to me as I went in. His body was amazingly warm and comfortable. Not that I have actually tried to imagine what his body feels like... 

Once again, if you have ever laid your precious eyes on Connor, you would understand. 

His body screamed fitness, and was not too muscular to make it seem as if you are lying on a bed of rocks, and at the same time, it wasn't too much fat either. 

I rested my head on his shoulder, where his lay his head on mine. If someone - say my mum - were to walk in, she might think that we had been dating for a while, and have kept it a secret. The thing is though, that we aren't. We aren't dating, and I'm quite sure Connor didn't like me back. In fact, I'm pretty sure about that!

"Your hair smells nice," he muttered. I laughed softly. 

"Cocoa. Secret ingredient in my shampoo to make it smell nice," I told him. 

"Sounds edible," he mumbled, making me laugh. What the boy had the power to do to me was beyond what words could say. With his arms around me, I would have been more than willing to let him eat my hair if that is what he wished for. Well, not really, but he could if he asked really nicely. 

Well, maybe anyway. It depends on how nice exactly he asks. 

If he were to beg and maybe a few compliments, he might have had it for dinner.


We stayed like that for a while. 

"Mi?" He asked, once again using my newfound nickname. 

"Yes, Con?" I asked, giving him one for himself. His nose scrunched up and he shook his head.

"Don't call me Con. It sounds stupid. Call me Connor."

"Sure, Con," I smirked. He knocked the back of my head softly, but his bony knuckles made it more painful than it should have been. But then he made up for it by rubbing where he had hit me, and the massage did feel kind of nice. 

"Sorry," he said. "Anyway, I was thinking about the kiss just now and- umm- well..."

"Yes, Connor?" I asked, rather amused by how nervous he was. 

"I- I'm curious, Miranda," he said, his voice going lower with each word he said. "I'm curious to know exactly how you lips would feel like against mine." As his voice got lower, so did his face, slowly inching towards my own.

"G- go ahead," I told him in a shaky voice. I had no idea what was going to happen next. His face was so close to mine until it was only a tiny gap in between us. The only thing that I could use to know that we weren't touching was that I could feel his slow breath on my lips. It felt kind of nice. Having the constant warmth of fresh breath being felt on my slightly moist lips. "I- I don't know how to kiss," I told him truthfully as he was about to make contact.

Some call it love [NaNoWriMo13]Where stories live. Discover now