13 - Some call it love

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"Miranda," Terrence said softly, "it's time to wake up."

I opened my eyes and it wasn't even bright outside yet. And for some annoying reason, my head felt like it had been stuffed with rocks, with the pillow being my only source of comfort. My body parts felt as if they were made of lead instead of flesh and bones.

I had to squint against the brightness of the surrounding lights. It hurt my eyes, although it was mainly my room lights.

"I'm not leaving this bed," I grunted and then turned to my side. I closed my eyes back again, and the lovely comfort of sleep welcomed me into its presence. Then I heard Terrence's voice again.

"Miranda, I'm sorry about last night."

I grunted again, not quite sure what he was talking about. In my semi-conscious state, my senses were nullified and all that was working was my sense of hearing, which seemed to be working all too well as compared to my other senses. Still, my body refused to leave.

Terrence invited himself at an empty corner of my bed and then set himself down. I was too tired to push him off.

"I'm tired."

He chuckled softly. Already that felt like he was bursting my eardrums.

"With the alcohol content you downed yesterday, I'm really not surprised."

i grunted in response. He slowly stroked my face, which lulled me into sleep. "I love you, Miranda," was the last thing he said before he kissed my forehead and jumped off my bed. My reply? I grunted back.

When you're sleeping, talking is such an effort.

I only fully got up at two later in the afternoon. Still, I was feeling groggy as I brought my tired self into the toilet. My eyes were so heavy that I had to force them open. I felt terrible, so I stepped into the shower to try and clean up both inside my head and my body.

I couldn't imagine why on earth I'd be so tired and worn out. My eyes felt very swollen, and my head throbbed. When I came out, I was horrified to see that I looked terrible in the mirror. My skin was pale.

I was probably sick.

Changing into something I'd feel comfortable in at home, I dragged my feet downstairs to see what was for lunch. Mum had made sandwiches, which was really fine by me.

I ate them one-by-one in a zombie-like state. Mum watched me as I did so.

"What happened last night?" She asked.

I raised my eyes slightly to look at her and shrugged. My head was a bleary mess for some reason.

Her eyebrows knitted in concern. "Did you drink?"


Then I remembered. The party. The game. Derek. Connor.

Oh, and a lot of drinking.

I merely shrugged and continued to eat my sandwiches. When I was done, I announced that I was going to my room.

So I did.

The first place I slinked off to was my bed. I crawled under the covers and almost immediately, sleep consumed me.

Sleep provided me with no more comfort than my semi-conscious mind. Nightmares welcomed me as I wandered farther into the supposedly peaceful slumber land. While I awaited my journey into skipping through meadows or something nice or peaceful like that. 

The first thing that shrouded me was the thick veil of darkness which seemed endless. At first I thought that it was a good thing, because it meant that I wasn't dreaming. That I might have been able to get some decent sleep without getting interrupted. But then the first nightmare came. 

Some call it love [NaNoWriMo13]Where stories live. Discover now