10 - Some call it love

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Ever since I had stepped into school with the brown wig still on because I had forgotten to take it off in the morning before reaching school, I had become the scandal of gossip among the students and between cliques. I knew this because whenever I walked by a table while it was lunch and the people were looking at me, whispering; talking about me in general. I walked by awkwardly. When I finally found my table - which as usual, sat Derek and Connor - I sat myself down awkwardly.

"Everyone's talking about me in front of me!" I complained. "I don't like it!"

"Well, Ginger, you've always had the attention babe. I think it's the hair. First, everyone likes your ginger hair. Now, they're talking about your brunette one! Hey Connor! Do you think that if I bleach my hair, do you think that I'll get as much attention as Ginger?"

Connor started to laugh. "They most definitely would!"

"Hey! Maybe they'll say you aged along with your lover from the elderly home!" I quipped. "Maybe then you'll get even more attention than me!" 

Derek pretended to ponder over the thing before he finally said, "That's it! Ginger, one of these days I'm dragging you to one of the hair salons and girl, we are gonna dye our hairs and be the talk of this school!" I grinned at him. 


Don't you just love Derek?

"What's this I hear about dying hair?"

"Your sister and I are going to get our hair dyed soon!" Derek sang. I laughed as he went on to tell Terrence how we agreed on going to dye our hairs together. I mean, it was all pretty hilarious. I guess that's how Terrence and Derek became best friends in the first place. 

"So, I was telling Ginger how unfair it was that she got so much attention because of her hair, so we agreed that she's going to dye her hair brown, and that I'm going to get my hair bleached, so that we will be the talk of the whole school!"

Terrence's jaw dropped. "You guys were going to forget me?" He gasped in utter shock. "How could you? I was even looking forward to get my hair dyed blonde! I've always wanted blonde hair!" 

Derek clapped his hands in delight. "That's it!" He snapped. No, not the snap a person does when they're annoyed. He snapped his finger. "It's settled. We're all going to dye our hairs once the holidays start. Connor, pick a colour!"

"No way!" He complained. "I like brown!"

The three of us all shook our heads. "Not happening," Terrence said. "You either pick a colour or we do!" We all ganged up on poor Connor, it was actually really funny. Connor didn't really find our conversation interesting. I think the word is stupid. Connor thought that where this was headed was stupid, but we didn't. 

"I think purple's a good colour," I said, in an effort to get him to start telling us which colour he would want. It worked. A look of pure horror crossed his face, making me laugh. 

"My goodness no!" He exclaimed. 

"Yeah," Derek agreed with a sigh. "It wouldn't suit him."

Connor sighed in relief that someone was taking his side. "See? Thank you, Derek."

"No problem, buddy," Derek said. "I knew you would look better in pink hair. You know, like Katy Perry?" 

"No way!" I protested. "She totally looked better in the purple hair!" 

We started an argument about what colour hair Katy Perry looked best in, until Connor stepped in. "Alright guys," he sighed. "I guess I've always wanted slightly darker hair. Like brown or something."

Some call it love [NaNoWriMo13]Where stories live. Discover now