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Phil woke up around ten o'clock a.m. to the sound of Dan calling his name. "Phiiiilll" he called, "do you want some breakfast?" Phil was hungry, there was no doubt about that, so his answer was instant.

"Yes, please, Dan." he replied, getting out of bed. He walked into the kitchen where he found his boyfriend in his pajamas cooking some eggs and Bacon. Phil prepared two mugs of coffee while Dan finished up and placed them both on the counter. Dan then handed Phil his plate, and together they walked to the dining table. Dan began to eat immediately, filling his mouth with egg yolk. Phil had before wanted to do the same, but now the thought was sickening. He picked at his food, eating a bite occasionally, but the smell was starting to bug him. Gagging at the scent, he groaned.

"Dan I feel like I'm going to be sick." He said, standing up from his seat. He knew for a fact he wouldn't be able to make it to the toilet in time, so instead, he darted for the trash bin in the kitchen and heaved into the mostly-empty white plastic bag that lined the waste basket. The acidic taste of bile burned his throat as he vomited. "Gross." He sighed, leaning against the cupboard beside him.

Dan was soon by his side, nearly gagging at the scent of Phil's vomit. "Are you okay, love?" He asked gently, stroking Phil's hair. Phil shook his head.

"Not really, no." he responded, rubbing his tummy. "Just a stomach bug, I think, though. I'll be fine"

Little did he know, however, it wasn't just a stomach bug. It was something way bigger.


The nausea continued for a full two and a half weeks before Phil started to worry. "Phil?" Dan asked, looking down empathetically at Phil, who was slouched over the toilet for the fifth time that day, "I think we should take you to the hospital, love. It's not normal how much you keep getting sick."

Phil just nodded. He was too tired to say anything, as for some reason he constantly felt like his energy had been wiped away. As he stood up, he felt a sudden wave of unexpected dizziness and fell back onto the ground, hitting the side of the toilet on the way down.


Phil woke up in A&E surrounded by a plethora of extremely bright lights and weird looking machines that monitored his every move. "Dan..." He croaked, breaking the silence of his hospital room. A friendly-looking nurse soon appeared at the sound if Phil's words. "I'm sorry, Phil. Your boyfriend is not allowed in at this time as we're just about to administer a quick test to make sure you don't have concussion."

"W-wait" Phil stammered. "What happened?"

"You fainted, Phil. You hit your head on the way down, nothing serious, we just wanted to make sure you're okay. Also, your boyfriend mentioned that you've been dizzy and nauseous a lot throughout the past two weeks?"

Phil nodded, and the kind nurse continued on. "Alright, well the doctor is going to come in now to make sure your head is alright and then Dan will be allowed in when we check in on your symptoms."

The concussion test was quick and easy, leading Phil to wonder why exactly Dan wasn't allowed in, but it turned out he was fine anyway, so it didn't really matter. After letting Dan into the room however, news started to get hectic. The doctor sat the two down before asking a number of questions. 'Do you have any food allergies?' 'Do you have any known heart or liver conditions?' The list of questions went on for a full fifteen minutes. Phil answered them quietly, occasionally letting Dan answer a question for him. The last inquiry, however struck him by surprise.

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