Five - #domestic

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The hospital corridors were freezing. The hallways smelled like rubbing alcohol, and was littered with the sounds of babies crying. Dan and Phil walked hand in hand through the main hallway, led by a tall doctor. They were brought into the same room as the night Andrea passed away. It had been a little bit over a week, and Dan and Phil were finally allowed to take the baby home. They had finished signing adoption papers and the court had ruled them full guardianship of the baby, who they had decided to name Harper Andrea Howell-Lester.

They entered the room where the small infant was lying asleep in her cot. The doctor gave them permission to pick her up. Dan reached out and slid his hands under Harper's small back, making sure to support her head. She stirred as Dan picked her up, her eyelids fluttering atop her dark chocolate eyes.

"Hi," Dan cooed. "You're finally coming home. Daddy's going to take you home today."

Phil smiled at Dan. He couldn't be more in love. The two men placed the infant in a baby carrier that doubled as a car seat which they had bought for Harper. She opened her eyes as she was being buckled in. She reached out with a small hand and gripped Phil's thumb. Phil gazed at Harper. He was still mourning Andrea's death, but he was right — Harper was like a piece of Andrea to him, and she made the death feel just a little bit easier.

"Alright." Phil said as he stood up, holding the carrier in his left hand. "What now?"

"You two can sign out." The doctor said. "Everything's all caught up, Harper's health is in shape, all the forms have been approved, you're ready to go. Just don't forget to bring her back for her four-week appointment."

Dan looked over at Phil. "Okay." He said. "This is it."

The two men made their way to the lobby. Dan was now holding the carrier, because it was making Phil too tired. They signed Harper out and left the hospital.

The two new dads hauled a taxi and got in, strapping the car seat into the middle, Harper's body facing the backwards in the car.

Harper started to fuss. "Hey, sweetie what's wrong?" Phil whispered, trying to figure out why Harper was suddenly crying.

"I think she doesn't like the seat very much." Dan said.

"Ohh." Phil replied, returning his attention to the newborn. "Don't worry, baby, we'll be home very soon." He gently kissed Harper's forehead.

A few minutes later, they arrived at their home. They unbuckled the car seat, and brought Harper into her new home.

"Dan do you want to take her into the nursery?" Phil asked, motioning towards the bedroom that used to be Dan's. "I can fix a bottle, she has to eat in around ten minutes anyways."

Dan nodded. He brought Harper into the room, which has been painted yellow. The walls were decorated with various cartoon animals, with the occasional appearence of a Winnie the Pooh character. There were two cribs— one for Harper, and one for the baby that was on it's way. There was also a large changing table with drawers that held diapers, bibs, blankets, and baby clothes. Dan rested the car seat on the floor and took Harper out,  cradling the infant in his arms. He sat on a wooden rocking chair which was a wedding gift from Phil's mum.

"All was golden in the sky, all was golden when the day met the night." Dan sang softly, calming the still crying infant to a quiet whimper.

"You and papa are the day to my night." He softly whispered, holding Harper gently, her small body engulfed with her father's warmth and soothed by the sweet, slow lullaby of his heartbeat.

Dan looked over to the door, seeing Phil in the hallway, peering into the room.

"How long have you been there, Phil?"

"Ah," he replied, blushing. "Only a little while. I got the bottle ready, Dan do you want me to feed her or do you want to?"

"I'll feed her."

Phil walked over to the rocking chair and handed Dan the bottle. Phil pulled another chair from the far end of the room and placed it next to where Dan was holding Harper. He sat down next to the two. "My little family." He whispered, causing Dan to smile and gently kiss Phil's cheek.
Dan put the bottle to Harper's lips, tipping the nipple all the way up, to avoid air bubbles. He watched her sip the warm milk, occasionally resting to wipe Harper's mouth with a small cloth.

After Harper had finished the bottle, Dan raised her up and gently placed her resting against his shoulder. After placing a small towel underneath her, he began to pat her back softly.

After Dan finished burping the Harper, he handed her off to Phil, who was to put her down for her nap.

Dan left the room, leaving Phil with the baby.

"Okay Harper," he cooed. "Time for your nap." Phil placed Harper in one of the two cribs in the room. He turned on a small mobile that floated above the crib. The mobile spun, intriguing Harper with the small stuffed Winnie the Pooh characters flying around her head. Mesmerized, she stared at the characters until her eyelids became heavy and she drifted off into sleep.

Phil left the room and sat next to Dan on the couch. Dan took a break from his tumblr scrolling to give Phil a kiss on the cheek.

"You're a good dad." Dan whispered in Phil's ear, leaning down to kiss his stomach. "Or should I say... daddy?"

Phil blushed. "That was one time!" Phil said defensively. "Besides... You liked it."

Dan giggled and Phil punched his arm playfully.

suddenly, a shriek peirced the silence, a loud wail coming from the nursery.

The two men quickly got up and rushed to where Harper was in her crib, crying loudly.

"Hey, it's okay, sweetie." Phil whispered soothingly, picking her up from the crib. Phil knew she wasn't hungry as she just ate, and she wasn't tired otherwise she'd be sleeping, so he was able to narrow it down to one choice.

"Harper do you need a nappy change?" Phil said gently. He placed Harper on the changing table and undid her onesie, and then her diaper.

He lifted her legs very carefully and wiped from the front to the back, making sure that she was completely clean. He then placed a new diaper underneath her, powdered her up, and secured the diaper in place.

Phil kissed Harper's head before placing her back into the crib. "I love you, little lion." He whispered. He then felt a strong hand on the small of his back. Dan embraced his new husband, an intense growing sensation of unconditional love growing inside of him. Looking longingly at his new family he sighed happily.

"Phil, I couldn't be happier." He whispered. He watched as the small baby fell asleep in her crib, wondering what she could be dreaming about. In this moment he felt so serene. So extremely overjoyed. In love.

Yo guys I'm back *-* along with the constant need for love and validation. How was this chapter, guys? Too short? Too boring? Idk. Thanks for being gr8 😘

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