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"Dan!" Phil shouted from the lounge. "Come here!! Come feel this!!"

Dan scurried to the lounge, holding Harper in one arm, and his phone in the other. Typical.

"What do you want me to feel?"

Phil pointed to his stomach. "The baby's kicking again, but it feels much stronger. I swear this baby could be a football player."

Phil was only two days away from being nine months pregnant, but he still wasn't over the fact that he could constantly feel his own baby kick inside of him.

Dan set his phone on the coffee table and sat next to Phil, placing his large hand on the underside of Phil's tummy. Dan felt a large jolt against his hand. "Ow." Phil said, almost giggling. "I think this baby wants out pretty soon." he joked.

Harper cooed contently in her daddy's arms, almost as if she we're giggling along to Phil's jest. The three month old continued to blabber happily in Dan's embrace, reaching out her arm and waving it at Phil.

"Do you want to touch papa's belly too?"

Dan chuckled and placed Harper's tiny hand on Phil's swollen stomach. She smiled generously as she felt a smaller bump hit her palm. She gurgled once more before looking directly at Phil and giggling.

"Wait." Dan said quietly. "Phil, that was her first real giggle!"

"Oh my GooDnESs!" Phil awed. "How absolutely precious!"

Dan laughed and planted a kiss on the top of Harper's head, and then another one on Phil's belly.

"I love you two so much." Dan said, shaking his head while smiling at his family. Unfortunately, the moment had to end, as Harper had to be put down for a nap.

Dan put her down, waited for her to fall asleep, and went to the lounge. Phil was on the couch still, but was now sleeping, somehow perfectly in sync with Harper's nap time. Dan got a knitted blue blanket from the bedroom and placed it gently over Phil's body, folding the top just above his baby bump. Kissing his husband's forehead, he went to the bedroom to scroll on tumblr.

Only about 15 minutes into his tumblr scrolling, Dan heard a faint cry from across the apartment. He got up and went to the nursery, poking his head into the room, but Harper was still fast asleep.

"Phil!?" Dan called. "Was that you?"

Dan rushed into the lounge where he found Phil on the couch, panting loudly with a pain-drenched grimace painted across his usually content face.

"Dan. Remember how I said that thing about the baby wanting out? I think I may have — j-jinxed it."

He let out a very deep breath and groaned, clutching his stomach.

"Okay." Dan replied. "Don't panic, I'm going to call you an ambulance, okay? Stay right here."

Phil nodded.

Dan got up and ran for the bedroom, picking his phone up from the brown side table. His trembling fingers pushed the 9 button three times.

999, what seems to be the emergency?

I need an ambulance for my husband. Long story short, he is going into labor and I'm NOT about to get a taxi.

Baby Feet (Phan Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now