49. He Looks After You When You Are ill

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Suggested preference by @laurenamieeclarketw, thank you for you suggestion:)

49. He Looks After You When You Are ill


You had been feeling like crap for the past couple do days. Nathan had been in the studio for album and single stuff so you were left home alone from the early hours of the morning and late into the night. You stayed laying on the couch for most of the day and you headed the front door open. Nathan walked in with a bunch of your favourite flowers, a load is sweets, ice cream and some DVDs. You smiled as you tried to sit up, but you had no energy to.

"No babe, you stay there and I'll set everything up." Nathan says as he placed the first DVD into the DVD player. He then vanished from the living room. Minutes later he reappeared with a cover and some spoons. He handed you a spoon before wrapping the cover around you both. You pressed play on the remote before digging into the ice cream and sweets while cuddled up to Nathan.


Once you woke up you began to sit up on your bed but you began to feel dizzy and felt like you were about to be sick. You weren't going to take any risks so you rushed through to the bathroom, just making it in time. As you were sick you heard foot steps coming up behind you but you ignored them. You felt a hand pull at your hair, scrapping it back into a bobble. Once you were finished you sat up while resting against who ever was behind you.

"You okay beautiful?" Tom asked as you lent against him and passed you a damp cloth before dabbing your head with it.

"I-I don't know, I think I might have food poisoning..." You wept as you drank some water which Tom handed you. He nodded before picking you up and carrying you back to bed.

"How about I phone management and tell them I feel ill?" Tom laughed as he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you close into him as possible. You shook your head.

"They won't believe you, but I shall be fine on my own." You said as you began to fall asleep. Tom laughed before grabbing his phone and phoning management.

"My princess is ill and needs to be looked after." Tom whispered into your ear. You smiled as you drifted off to sleep.


Jay had been working late. When he came back he found you lying on the couch with a sick bucket beside you. He picked up your feet and sat underneath them. Jay began to rub your back causing you to wake up and rub at your eyes.

"Jay?" You asked as you tried to get used to the light after a nap.

"Yeah?" He replied still rubbing your back.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled as you began to cry. Jay looked at you before sitting you up on his lap.

"S-Sorry? For what?" Jay asked as you cried onto his shoulder.

"I-I was sick all over the bed, I'm so so sorry." You said still crying. Jay began to sway you side to side.

"Don't worry love, they will wash. Why don't you go back to sleep here while I pop upstairs and sort it out?" Jay asked slipping you back on to the couch. You nodded.

"Jay, I put the sheets in the wash, the bed just needs new sheets put on." You whispered. Jay laughed and headed upstairs to sort out the room.


You were supposed to be meeting Max but had felt ill all morning. You thought about cancelling but you felt bad. You managed to get ready and the door bell went, you ran to the door and opened it As soon as you opened it you went white and began to have another coughing fit. Max looked at you sympathetically.

"Babe, if you're ill why didn't you cancel?" He asked as he walked into the flat. You shook your head as you finished coughing.

"I couldn't. It would have ruined your plan for today." You coughed again. Max shook his head.

"No! You're ill, you're far more important than my plans!" He said as he grabbed your hand and lead you though to the kitchen. He picked you up before popping you onto the kitchen bunker as he stuck the kettle on. He pulled out to cups and placed tea bags into them before pouring the hot boiling substance into each cup. Once he had finished making them he handed you a cup before standing in between your legs while he drank his.

"How about we have a film day instead? We can go out for lunch when you are better?" Max asked as he pulled a strand of your hair back behind your ear. You nodded before hopping off the bunker and walking through to the living room, Max followed closely behind.


Siva walks into the bedroom which you both share after a long day at work. He finds you fast asleep in bed and walks over to you, giving you a kiss on the forehead. Your eyes begin to slowly open as you called out for Siva.

"What's the matter darlin'" He asked as he crawled up into bed with you.

"I don't feel good." You said, Siva hugs you once again and places a soft kiss on your cheek.

"You better rest then, I'll go to the shop and pick up some food and medication." He said as he turned to walk away.

"Seev?" You called, he turned back to you.

"Can we watch films when you get back?" You finished. Siva laughed before replying.

"Yes, of course beautiful. I'll even pick up another one when I'm out." He laughed as he went out the bedroom door and down stairs to head to the shops.

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