75. You Find Him Cheating

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Thank you @MissMcguiness01 for your suggestion:)

75. You Find Him Cheating


You ran our of yours and Nathan's flat as tears rapidly fell down your cheeks. Your mind was filled with disbelief because of what you had just seen. You had just arrived home from a shopping trip with a few friends and had heard strange noises coming from toys and Nathan's room. You opened the door ever so slightly to see him in bed with another girl. You ran across the street and collapsed by the bench that was just outside the gates of the park. Tears continued to flow rapidly.

"Y/N?" You hear a familiar voice call. You didn't look up from the ground. You continued to ignore him as you sobbed quietly into your hands.

"Y/N! I'm sorry okay, it was mistake. You're the one I want! Please. Look I understand if you don't want to look at me ever again but I know it was a mistake. The boys set me up and you know, we are a secret remember? I'm sorry princess. Just please forgive me?" He began to weep as he fell to his knees in front of you. You slowly removed your head from your hands as Nathan wiped away your tears. You pushed him away.

"I-I know but still, you cheated Nathan. I'm not going to take you back that easily." You called as you stood up, as did he. He nodded shamefully before looking to the ground.

"I know that, I don't want you to take me back instantly. I just want you back, even if it takes 20 years." He laughed as he stepped closer. You smiled slightly as he placed his hand in yours.

"I am truly sorry." He whispered as you pulled him in for a hug.


You began to shake as you put back down the magazine on the stand.

'Tom Parker Seen With Ex!'

You noticed a picture of Tom and his Ex, Sarah on the front cover. Both cuddled up on the bench at a theme park. His arm was protectively around her waist as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Your trust in Tom had disappeared. You quickly picked up the magazine once again and bought it, ignoring the fans surrounding before running home. You waited for Tom to arrive back from the studio, but you were starting to think maybe he was t at the studio with the boys. The front door soon opened and you stood up as Tom and the rest of the boys walked through to the living room.

"Can you explain Tom?" You spat as you hurled the magazine to Tom. He picked it up from the floor as he looked at the front cover. The boys looked over his shoulder. Max stepped away from him and over to you.

Max was your brother: a very protective one.

"Explain then Parker?" Max spat instantly as his arm wrapped itself around your waist. You began to cry.

"Mate, it's not what it looks like." Tom began but Max stepped in before you could.

"Of course not. Just cuddled up all warm and comfortable with you ex. Cute!" He spat. You began to cry more. Tom turned to look at you before talking a step closer to you. You backed away instantly.

"Don't! Don't come near me." You yelled as you cuddled closer into Max.

"Y/N, please listen?" Tom cried. You looked at him.

"Fine, but I possibly won't believe you!" You whispered through your tears as you sat down on the couch. Max say next to you as Tom sat in the chair opposite.

"Wh-When I went to the theme park with the boys we all bumped onto her. The boys continued as I spoke to her. I was trying to be nice. We sat on the bench as she began to tell me how she missed doing thing together. I agree." He began. You flinched at his last sentence and he spotted it.

"No, no! But then I began to tell her about you, how we fell for one another insanely, how you made me happy. I told her that the feelings I had for you would never change and that there was only me and you, never me and her." He said as he stood up and made his way to you before crouching down.

"I told her I loved her, but as a friend, nothing more, nothing less. I only want you in my arms and in my bed." He laughed at his last sentence.

You smiled as you looked up at him. Max let go of your arm and grabbed Tom before forcing him against the wall.

"I swear if I see you do ANYTHING that will hurt my sister, you'll never live to tell the tail." He spat as he pushed him further into the wall. You stood up and pulled Max away from Tom.

"Don't Max. We all make mistakes don't we?" You whispered softly. Max nodded before apologising to Tom.


You couldn't believe what you were seeing. You had set up a surprise for Jay. You were going to visit him while he was on tour. But unfortunately it was the other way around.

You stepped out in stage to find Jay snogging a girl in the audience. Nathan spotted you and looked at you apologetically as you rushed of stage. You heard footsteps becoming louder as you came to a halt by the exit door.

"Hey, Y/N. We promise we tried stopping him but he wouldn't. He's still drunk from last night babe." Nathan whispered as he hugged you. You started crying harder as you heard the voice of Jay from behind you.

"Nath, what's going on?" Nathan turned to look at him, revelling you to Jay.

"Y/N? W-Why are you hear?" He asked shocked. He walked closer and attempted to hug you but you flinched him away. He looked at you confused.

"I saw you." You whispered.

"You 'saw me'? What do you mean by 'you saw me'?" He asked confused

"Kissing her." You cried. Jay finally clicked.

"Babe, she's a fan. She asked for a kiss. I guess I got carried away a bit. I missed having lips in mine for the past few months. Her lips felt like yours. I'm sorry." He wept. You looked up at him.

"I-I know." You sighed.

"I'm sorry too." You whispered as he kisses you.


You were out with your friend at the shopping centre as your been on tour with your boyfriend so you haven't seem them in a while. You and one of your friends leave the bathroom and your friends stops in her tracks. You follow her gaze to find her staring at Max and a girl. Thy were holding hands, laughing and sharing a large ice cream. You began to cry but wiped them away before heading in his direction.

"Hello Max." You smiled as he turned to look at you surprised.

"Aw hello, who's this Maxi?" The girl with brunet hair asked Max. You smiled at her.

"She's, she's um..." Max stuttered.

"His ex." You butted in. The girl smiled before standing up to leave.

"I'll leave you to talk." She began but you butted in

"No, no it's fine. I just came across to say hello. I shall leave you to it." You began to say as your voice cracked. You turned on your heals as tears fell from your eyes.


You and Siva were cuddled up on the couch just watching films. Siva stood up to go off and do something. While he was away his phone light up, you picked it up as he usually lets you read his texts for him. Once you unlocked it you noticed it was was from Jay. You closed down that message and spotted one from a few days ago. it was from a girl named Abby. You opened it up and began to read the conversation.

Abby: hey babe, is your girl still home? Missing you xx

You couldn't read the rest. You locked his phone and set it back in the position it was in. You began to wait on Siva to come back. He finally came back and sat down next to you.

"Who's Abby?" You asked instantly. Siva hummed before answering.

"What do you mean?" He asked cuddling up further.

"You know, the girl that's been texting you and stuff?" You asked again but more snappy. He stayed silent, telling you everything you needed to know. You removed yourself from the couch.

"I-I'm leaving." You spat once again. You grabbed your keys and phone before walking out. Siva chased after you.

"Y/N please, it's nothing I promise. If you read all of the conversation you would have noticed I wasn't interested in her!" He called as he too stepped out onto the rain.

"Then you didn't you answer my question?" You cried.

"I'll answer it now. She's an ex of mine, and still thinks she has a chance with me but she doesn't. Please Y/N, don't leave." He cried as he pulled you close.

"I-I won't! I'm sorry Seev." You whispered before kissing him softly.

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