54. He Does Your Make Up

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54. He Does Your Make Up


"This is sticky and scary." Nathan said as he opened up the mascara and let the sticky substance slowly drip like elastic back down in the tub.

"You're telling me Nath. You don't have someone coming at you like it's a knife." You laughed as Nathan moved it to your eyes. You closed them as he places the mascara brush across your lips.

"What the hell?" You screamed as you opened your eyes.

"What? Is it not for your lips?" Nathan asked confused. You shook your head laughing.

"Nope, it's mascara. It goes on my eyelashes." You said through the laughter. Nathan made a realisation expression before looking at you apologising

"Sorry, I wondered why you closed your eyes." You began to laugh before pulling him for a hug.

"Aww, it's okay baby Nath." You said laughing still.


Tom pulled out a tub of lip bam and told you to close your eyes. You looked at him confused but done as you were told. You felt his cold hands rub a hard powder across your cheeks and then mascara being placed on your eyelashes. Your eyes were still closed as Tom began to apply something to your eyelids. It was sticky and you didn't remember having a sticky eye shadow. You let out a small chuckle before a loud snort escaped.

"W-What's so funny?" Tom asked seriously. You opened up your eyes and looked at Tom.

"You put lip bam on my eyes instead of eyeshadow." You laughed. Tom looked at you and shook his head.

"No, no I didn't! Look it says- it says... Lip bam." Tom whispered the last part as you snorted out a laugh once again.

"I'm sorry beautiful." He said apologetically.

"It's okay, my turn?" You asked chuckling. Tom instantly jumped up and ran out the room.

"No!" He screamed. You ran after him laughing.


Jays hand gripped the foundation brush similar to the way your little baby cousin holds a paintbrush. You smiled trying to hold in a laugh. He noticed you trying to hold in a laugh and laughed himself, causing you to outburst.

"I feel like I'm back in a nursery." He laughed as he added a load of foundation to the brush. He looked up at you as you stared at the brush.

"J-Jay, I think that's possibly enough for you, Max, Siva, Tom, Nathan and I!" You laughed again. He began to take of the lid and scrape it back into the foundation bottle. You shook your head as the lid came exploding off and the foundation within it exploded everywhere in the room. Including over Jay.


Max pursed his lips to the side while he frowned looking at you. He looked down at the makeup bag before looking back up at you.

"I will never understand why ladies do this every day! It's such s difficult thing to do. Like where do I start?" He questioned as he pointed down to the bag. You let out a small titter.

"Beauty takes it's time to create." You said as Max stared at you as he shook his head.

"Why waist your money on this? You're already beautiful with out this stuff. You honestly don't need it." He added before starting with lipstick.


Siva knelt down before you, looking at many different options of makeup in front of him.

"Well this will be interesting." You laughed as he rummaged through the makeup. He looked up at you with a smile.

"All of this looks like a load of crap." Suva said still trying to find what he needed. You sighed as you rolled your eyes.

"But I shall start with this." He said lifting up a tub which read 'powder' you smiled as he grabbed a brush and started to apply it.

You were amazed by the outcome.

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