91. Family Thoughts on Him

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91. Family Thoughts on Him


Your family absolutely adore him. Your mother loved to teach him how to cook, and it would usually end in a food fight between them both. He loved to take your siblings to fun places, and he loved to play sports with your dad. Overall your family couldn't love him more


Your family adored Tom. The always asked about him, and always talked to bimonthly the phone. He loved to visit and always complimented your mum on her cooking. He would always joke around with them, and they'd usually have a great laugh with him around


At first it took a bit for your mum to come around to Jay. Your dad loved him right away, they always joked around and watched sports together. Eventually your mum began to love him almost as much as you did!


Who doesn't love Max? Well although your parents fell in love with him as soon as you mentioned him, your sister wasn't too find of him...until he took her on a whole day shopping spree followed by a spa treatment. She came home beaming, and wouldn't stop talking about it for days!


Your family loved Siva due to his gentlemen character. Your mum loved how he treated you with respects and your father loved the fact they shared the same taste in music.

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