64. He Finds You Sexy/Adorable

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Sorry these aren't any good - Shannon x

64. He Finds You Sexy/Adorable


He finds it sexy when you are concentrating really hard. When you concentrate you begin to bite your lip softly, turning him on slightly.

"Babe, your biting your lip again." He says causing to to snap out of your concentration.

"S-Sorry." You mumble as you begin to bite the top of your pen.

"I prefer it when you bite your lip to be honest, it's sexier." You hear Nathan say. You let out a small laugh before going back to biting your lip, looking up at him before winking...


When you are round at his mums house and his little nephews and nieces are there. You always seem to put them first and take them out to get ice cream even though they were told no.

"You're adorable with kids." He whispers into your ear. You blush as his nephews and nieces come running up to you.

"Y/N can we call you Auntie Y/N?" One asked. Tom laughed before sitting down on the floor next to them.

"Well one day Y/N will be Auntie Y/N so I suppose she will need to get used to it, won't she?" Tom winked at them. They all let out a few squeals and giggles before hugging you.


Jay has a terrible fashion sense, that's one of the many reasons why you two both fell in love with one another. One day Jay and you were out Christmas shopping with his nephew, trying to find a present for him. Jay picked up a small red and green checkered shirt and a pair of baby blue trousers and guided his nephew to the changing rooms. You shook your head as his nephew laughed at the items in Jays hands. A few minutes passed and they both appeared from behind the changing room curtain. You let out a loud laugh and pushed Jay from the dressing room. You closed the curtains before turning to Jays nephew, Lewis.

"What will we do with him?" You laughed referring to Jay. Lewis giggled while covering his mouth. You smiled at his cuteness before showing him what you had picked out. He smiled in agreement.

Once you had managed to get him into the outfit you opened the curtains to find Jay sat on the shop floor. Lewis laughed once again causing Jay to look up.

Lewis was wearing the shirt Jay had picked out with a navy v-neck jumper and a pair of boy navy skinny jeans. Lewis made a twirl movement as Jay stood and applauded. Jay walked over to you and pulled you into a hug before whispering something to you.

"Your adorable fashion sense could get you a job in a personal shopping assistant!" Jay laughed into your ear, causing you to shiver and butterflies to fly around your stomach.


"Y/N?" Max mumbles at you. You pulled the slice of pizza away from your face. You looked you at him with a raised eyebrows.

"Yes?" You asked looking at him while putting your slice of pizza onto your plate.

"May I help?" He laughed pointing to your face. You slid out your phone from your pocket and uses it as a mirror. You noticed a small amount of tomato sauce at the side of your mouth. You laughed before nodding and placing your phone on the table beside your plate. Max lent over with a napkin in one hand. He began to wipe the side of your mouth gently. He kissed you on the lips before resting his forehead against yours.

"I find it adorable when that happens." Max laughed as lent in for another kiss again. You blushed.


You and Siva had decided to go for a walk after he had arrived back from tour. You walked down the streets of London looking though the shop windows. Out if the corner of your eye you spotted a small black puppy in the window.

"Seev!" You screamed as you jumped up and down on the spot and pointed into the shop window.

"Since you are adorable you deserve a puppy." Siva laughed and you smiled to him.

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