86. Lost Ring

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Sorry for slow updates! I've been off ill due to something creeping up from the past in my childhood! Also I've got my Prelims and Exams coming soon! But I'll try and get on more often.

If you enjoy my preferences please have a look at my Nathan Sykes fan fiction 'Stepbother'! Feedback would be prefect!

Thank you


86. Lost Ring


"Yeah, she said yes!" Nathan beams to Jess and Karen as they stepped through the door.

"Aww, congrats!" Jess grinned as she hugged him.

"So...let me see the rock!" Karen smiled. You offer an awkward smile and hide your hands behind your back.

"What's wrong?" Nathan wonders, usually you were excited to show off your sparkling engagement ring.

"I kind of...I," you begin, but show up your ring-less finger in response.

"You don't want to marry me?" he asks, expression the saddest you've ever seen.

"So you took the ring off?" You quickly shake your head.

"No! No! Of course I want to marry you, I just...I, um, lost the ring," you frown, glancing at your hand.

"Oh!" he lets out a sigh of relief and laughs. "Oh, never been so nervous in my life," he grins, kissing your cheek.

"I can just buy you another one or look for it, it should be around here some where."


"Tom?" You asked as your eyes began to fill with tears.

"Yeh?" He shrugs off his coat casually but as soon as he notices your tear filled eyes.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He immediately holds you in his arms and you shake your head.

"I lost my ring," You blurt out, holding up your now-bare hand. "I'm so sorry, I feel awful...I looked everywhere for it, I'm such an idiot..."

He quickly hushes you and held your hand. "You're not an idiot, it's all right," he says softly, placing a hand on your cheek. "I know you're upset you lost it and I won't lie, I'm a bit upset as well but I'll buy you a new one, okay? It's easily replaceable" He promised, wiping a tear from your face.

"Don't get worked up about it, it'll be okay."


"Babe, you look really...worried?" He offers, placing a hand on your cheek.

"I just..." you begin, but quickly shake your head. "Nothing, it's..." He frowns and raises an eyebrow.

"Come on, you know you can tell me anything," He continues, giving your hand a squeeze. "All right, well...I sort of...I can't find my engagement ring," you sigh, burying your face in your hands. "I can't believe I lost it! Stupid, stupid, stupid."

He quickly pulls your hands away from your face and shrugs.
"Don't beat yourself up, it's just a ring. I mean, yeah, it's your engagement ring but we're still engaged and a ring doesn't mean anything, it's a symbol I guess, I can still call you mine without it!" He said slowly, eyebrows furrowed in thought. "I can buy you a new one, no problem. But all we really need is each other..." He trails off and kisses your cheek.


"What are you looking for?" Max asked as he watched with confusion written across his face as you pull the the pillows and cushions off the couch.

"Um...an earring," you mumble, frantically searching under the table.

"What are you really looking for?" he asks, seeing through your lies. You sit up and let out a deep sigh.

"My engagement ring," you admit, placing your hand over your forehead.

"You lost it?" he asks, eyes wide as he starts helping you look.

"I'm so sorry Max, I really didn't mea-" you begin, but he cuts you off.

"It's okay, we'll look for it and if we don't find it we can get you a new one," he replies calmly, looking under the bed.


"I know you'll probably just say nothing's wrong," Siva begins, sitting beside you on the bed. "But clearly something is wrong and seeing you this upset is making me upset."

You turn to face him and offer a weak shrug. "Please?" You finally give in and hold up your hand.

"Seev, I...I've lost the engagement ring," you admit, a tear slipping down your cheek. "

Oh, that old thing?" he jokes, making light of the situation. "We'll get you a newer, better one darling!" You frown and raise an eyebrow.

"Seev, this isn't funny, I feel awful," you sigh, allowing him to wrap you in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I know, I know. It sucks that it's gone but it is what it is, you know? Don't get upset--I'll get you a new one, you deserve a better one anyway, that was only until I could find the prefect one for my perfect fiancé!" He smile as he kissed your hand.

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