Never Giving Up

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Jacob abruptly broke away from our kiss. I was confused, I thought we loved each other. Why did he stop?I began to ask him what was wrong, but his body tensed up around me. His whole body began to shake and I quickly learned why.

Edward soon came into view, his hair wind blown from running, probably blowing off steam. Before I could stop him, he marched right up to Jacob, tearing him off of me and shoving him to the ground.

"Edward! Stop, please! You can't change my mind by hurting him. Hurting him will only hurt me!" I begged.

"You are suppose to be with me!" He yelled.

I had never heard him use that tone before, and the whole in my chest began to tear open again. Edward saw that his words had hurt me and was insantly at my side stroking my cheek with an apologetic face.

"You are my life, Bella. I will not be able to live without you. You know what I will do if you leave me!"

"No, Edward, the last thing I want is for you to get yourself killed! I can still be in your life. I just love Jacob now, he makes all of the pain go away. Please understand that!" I begged.

As soon as those words left my mouth, Edward's face dropped. I thought he was going to fight back with a heart felt speach about being in love, but instead he turned and left, muttering something that sounded like, "I'm never giving up."

As soon as Edward was out of sight, Jacob was at my side, wrapping himself tightly around me. I knew I had made the right decision. Now, every time I think of Edward, my heart tears open. But with Jacob, I feel safe and loved. I know he will never leave me.

My thoughts were interupted by an urgent kiss. I could tell that Jacob was worried that I would change my mind, but I would never hurt him like that. In order to wipe away his doubts, I kissed him back, more urgently than I had ever kissed before. This was the first time I didn't care that I was in the woods. I wanted Jake where ever we were. He pressed me gently against a tree, and I arched my back closer to him. He tangled his large hands in my hair and kissed me urgently. Every once in a while we would break away to catch our breath, but then returned to intertwining our tongues perfectly. We stayed in the woods till sunset, and Jake decided he needed to take me home.

He picked me up and ran me back to my house in minutes, but during our trip my mind was elsewhere. He obviously noticed, because when he put me down he asked, "What's wrong my beautiful love?"

"Edward... He used to stay with me at night, every night. I can't picture my life without someone holding me at night."

"I promise, I will stay with you every second of the day and night. I will never leave your side."

"Thank you," I whispered, and walked slowly into my house.

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