A Different Kind Of Sleep

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Charlie barely noticed me, to absorbed in the game. I quickly told him I needed some sleep and ran upstairs. I was glad he didn't ask about anything, I just wasn't ready to explain my choice to anyone.

I got ready in my bathroom, afraid to enter an empty bedroom, but I couldn't stay at the sink all night. I took a deep breath and walked towards my room before I could stop myself. I was able to exhale when I saw him standing in the middle of the room. I knew he didn't feel comfortable, but it would take some getting used to.

"Should I be here, is it to soon?" He asked anxiously.

"Don't leave, I need you here." I pleaded

I walked slowly to my bed, expecting him to follow me, but he stayed in the middle of my room unable to move. I decided I would give him time to adjust, so I turned off the lights and try to relax under my covers. I tossed and turned, anxious about Jake ever feeling comfortable. Suddenly, I felt his warm arms wrapped around me, rocking me to sleep.

His embrace was so different. With Edward, I had to bundle myself in blankets so I wouldn't freeze. With Jake, I could just kick off my covers and still feel warm and safe. With his arms around me, I fell into a sound sleep.

I felt myself burning, not from Jake's touch, but from an unbearable source in my heart. When I woke up I could see every thing so clearly. I felt invincible. And when I looked in the mirror, I knew why. I was a vampire. I turned around to see Edward smiling at me. I couldn't control my anger. I marched straight up to him and with my new found strength, I threw him against the wall. He didn't fight back though, he just let me release my anger. I picked him up by his neck, and squeezed as tight as I could. I heard a snap and began ripping him apart.

I was startled when two warm hands shook me awake. Jake kissed my forehead and told me everything was okay. It was just a dream. It was just a dream.

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