Marry Me

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When I was finally able to think clearly again, I told Jacob about my dream, which made me feel much better. I fell back asleep in his big, warm arms.

I woke up again, just after sunrise hearing Charlie drive off, to see Jake sitting on the side of my bed.

"What's wrong Jake?" I asked him in a gentle tone.

"Bells, you love me right?" his voice sounded doubtful.

"Of course, I always have. You make all of my pain go away. I need you."

"Well I know it's kinda soon, but I need you to be you to be open about this." he let out a long sigh and continued, "Bella, I need you, every second of the day. You make me nervous everytime l'm around you. Please, marry me? We can wait until after high school, but I want to know we will be together forever."

Before I could answer, an all to farmiliar voice spoke up, "you're suppose to be with me." the voice said in a low tone.

"Edward... I told you, I picked Jake. You can't change that."

"I could, if I just killed him right here!"

"You could try," Jake piped up in a cocky tone.

Before I could react, Edward lunged at Jacob.

** sorry this chapter is so short, I just wanted to get something posted for u guys! Please please please vote and comment on all of my chapters. Thanks for reading :)

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