A Familiar Touch

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I felt a strange. I was completely in love with Jacob, but something inside me was pulling me back to Edward. I decided that the only way to put my confusion to rest was to go see Edward. Not only would it give me a clear mind, but i would be able to settle every thing, and hopefully he could leave me alone. 

I drove my truck down to the Cullen's house, and on the way all I could think about was how sad Edward was when he saw me a Jake together. I know i hurt him, but i made my decision, and i was't just going to make everyone else happy.

As soon as my car reached the end of the drive way, Alice was eagerly helping me out of the car. It seemed as if nothing happened. She was just her usual, excited self. I thought maybe Edward hadn't told anyone, but then again, Alice didn't have to be told. Everyone was sitting in the living room having innocent conversation and didn't even bother to look up when i entered the room. The one person I didn't see was Edward.

"He hasn't come out of his bedroom in days," Alice said before returning to her family.

I ran up the stairs, skipping one step every time, and falling at the top. I don't know why I was so eager to see him, but i just couldn't seem to get up the stairs fast enough. When i got to his room, he was sitting on the couch looking outside. I could tell he wanted to be alone, but i had to talk to him.

"Edward," I began slowly, "I understand how hurt you are that I chose him and left you. I understand how horrible it feels when someone leaves," At this, he tensed up, but i continued. "But if you care for me at all, you will be happy for my decision and not try to get in the way."

"I know you don't want me to interfere, but i can't stay away from the one i love." He turned around and walked towards me. "I have been trying to think of some amazing way to sweep you off your feet and bring you back to me. I have searched for every possibility, Bella, and I keep coming to the same one." He looked down, embarrassed.

"Edward there isn't anything you can do, I chose Jacob..."

Before I could continue, he pulled me close to him and kissed me eagerly. It was all so familiar, every part of him I knew so well. I couldn't help myself from kissing him back. I tangled my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to me, and this time, he didn't hold back. He picked me up and layed me gently on his couch. He kept his weight off me, but still pressed his body firmly against mine. He had never done anything like this before. He always stopped himself before we went to far, but this time he was so eager to get me back; he would do anything.

I stopped to catch my breath, "Edward. I can't do this, I already chose..."

Before I could gather my thoughts; he kissed me again, taking my breath away. Our lips moved perfectly together, and I soon found myself enjoying his touch. A shiver ran through my body, not because I was cold, but from pure bliss. Normally, when I showed signs of being cold, he would push us apart, and wrap me in a blanket. Instead, he just held me closer to him as we explored each other all over again. 

Suddenly i noticed his cold hand on the small of my back. He slowly slid it to my waist, down my thigh, and back up again. He would never try something like this, but I knew he was desperate. Then I felt him tugging on my shirt, which in response, i arched my back to allow him to pull it over my head. Soon I realized what he was doing and I stopped him.

"Edward!" I grabbed my shirt i struggled back into it. "You have always told me we have to wait. I understand that you're trying to get me back, but you know I'm with Jake. We can't do this! I came here to help you understand that I can never recover from what you did to me, and Jake makes me feel better, no matter what. And he would NEVER leave me." At my last words, Edward flinched.

"I can never take back what i did, Bella. But I can't live another day without you! Your are my everything, Bella, and you can leave right now if you wish. But I promise you, I won't stop trying!"

I quickly ran down stairs and into my truck, not even bothering to say goodbye to everyone. As i drove home, I could only think about how much I loved being back in his arms. But every now and again, his leaving would slip into my thoughts and I would be reminded why i picked Jacob.

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