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Markimoo: how you holding up?

Jacksepticeye: alright i guess

Jacksepticeye: like you said a while ago, it's just hard. Especially because I was so desperately in love with her.

Markimoo: yeah

Jacksepticeye: It doesn't help my friends are being assholes, saying I should have seen it coming

Markimoo: those dicks! Why do u even hang out with them?

Jacksepticeye: I'm not exactly the most popular

Jacksepticeye: they're what I could get

Markimoo: I'm your friend

Jacksepticeye: but you're not here

Markimoo: no, but I wish I could be <3

A/N: sorry this is late, my friends did something shitty and I wasn't in the mood to update. This chapter isn't about them, I wrote it before that happened, but they just pissed me off and I fell asleep before I could update.

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