Guess who's back (hopefully for longer than last time)

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So it been...
A lot of months....
I'm a really bad author, I'm sorry. I don't reserve you guys.
Speaking of you guys, there's a lot of you now. 2k views... How??? You're awesome, all of you.

I was going to post a picture of my notebook to be ~different~ but of course I never actually update on time, and things got a bit outdated. Basically what it said was I'm an emo teenager and I'm going to try really hard to start updating again, but school's kinda been kicking my ass. I also am coming up on 2 years since my first fic ( that was absolute trash and is deleted) went up so wow. This is mostly a stream of consciousness, but basically I'm going to try to write more!

I'll speak to you all in the next authors note,

Also chapter 50... Get ready it's important

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