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Today at 2:34 AM
Markimoo: it's always great when we can skype

Jackarooney: yeah, I can't believe your brother proposed

Markimoo: YOU can't believe

Markimoo: holy shit I could be an uncle in a few years

Markimoo: I'm going to have a sister in law

Jackarooney: here we see the wild Mark experiencing realization

Markimoo: fichdhdjdjskxosk

Jackarooney: I mean it's not like you don't know her

Markimoo: but still fivjfndnskcjdnsnskan

Jackarooney: have they set a date?

Markimoo: not specifically but I think they want to be married in August

Jackarooney: shit that's fast

Markimoo: it's always been my brothers dream to get married in August so it was a month or a year wait

Jackarooney: that's still a month away

Markimoo: I know

A/N: so I know I said this update would be out like 5 days ago, but I had a little problem with plot and when I wanted events to happen but here it is! And following this update I'm going to try my hardest to return to my normal updating schedule. -Abbie

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