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"Our dreams drench us in senses, and senses steps us again in dreams."


I'm in a forest again. I was running again. Someone is chasing me, a shadow of a man. A shadow is chasing me. I have nowhere to go. I was running in a never ending forest. 

"Run, Run, Run my dear Adara" a soft velvety voice said. A voice that I've always heard in my dream. The voice that always have a soft but dangerous hint. 

"You've got nowhere to hide, my dear Adara" he laughed.

I am still running, I've got nowhere to go. All I can do is run, I can't speak. I'm always mute in my dreams. No matter how I wanted to speak, it seems like I am always disabled in speaking. All I can do in this dream is run. Then I stopped running. I was standing under a very scary looking weeping willow tree. In my dream I always stops in this tree. No matter where I stop running, this tree will pop out of nowhere and in any second I am always standing under it. The shadow is gone, but when I turned around I was meeting him face to face then he said:

"Boo! I got you!" 

The I woke up realizing that it is time for school again. 


The pic. of the weeping willow tree  -->




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