The Assignment

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"This life's dim windows of the soul

Distorts the heavens from pole to pole

And leads you to believe a lie

When you see with, not through, the eye."


"There are some things that human beings don't quite understand." my favorite teacher, Ms. Finns said in our Literature subject.

"Like why other people aren’t blessed with beauty like me?" my forever- plastic-barbie-bitch classmate, Lily, interrupted while looking directly at me.

Then my idiot classmates laughed at her not-so-funny-at-all joke.

I don't know why all the students here in our school worship every ground she walks on. Honestly, all we know is, she just let all the football team bang her that is why she became oh-so popular.

"*cough* Jealous bitch *cough*" my bestfriend back in the diaper days up until now, Melissa, said.

Then again my idiot clssmates ooohhhheeed.

"No interruptions please. I'll see you in detention Lily" Ms. Finns said.

"As I was saying, there are some things that human beings don't quite understand. Like mythical creatures" she explained

"Wait. What?! Mythical creatures? This is Literature class. Aren't we supposed to study about Shakespeare's crap?" Lessie interrupted. Another forever- plastic-barbie-bitch classmate but in other terms she's one of Lily's minions.

"Didn't I just said no interruptions?! Detention for you too Lessie" My teacher said angrily.

“They said that mythical creatures are the works of human's imaginative mind. But-"  Joey, my other friend, raised his hand.

“Yes Joey?"

“Human beings aren't supposed to understand these mythical creatures"

“And why is that Joey?"

“Like what you just said they are just works of humans’ imaginative mind. They are myth, a legend. There is no proof that they are true. So why would we, humans, consider to understand these mythical creatures if we know we can't find proof about it. Honestly there is no point understanding things that we know that doesn't exist"

I patted his shoulders then whispered “nice"

He just smiled at me. You see, Joey is a kind of a guy who has it all. He is smart and handsome and most of all, he's the team captain of our basketball team but as you see he's definitely a Mr. know it all.

“Joey I did not tell all of you to believe it. I just want all of you to know that literature is not all about Shakespeare works or Jane Austen works. Literature is also about the works of other people like our ancestors. Centuries ago, our ancestors pass these stories to their descendants so that these stories will always be remembered. Some literature experts are still puzzled about the idea of our ancestors passing these stories to their descendants or to us. Until now they still don't know the point why they have to do that. But that is not our problem. All I want you to worry is to research the mythical creatures that Is assigned to you. It will be draw-lots. When I call your name go in front and pick."

Then she started calling names. I started to doze off. My thoughts went to my nightmare every night. Was it a sign? Why am I dreaming that kind of nightmare? Wh-

" Adara Mae Parker" Ms. Finns called me, interrupting my thoughts.

“you’re up" Melissa said

I went in front then picked in the box she held. Then suddenly I felt a headache. This always happens when something bad happens to me like when I was still 10 years old then-

My thoughts were cut off by Ms. Finns.

" Adara go ahead. You don't need to be nervous it is just an assignment" she chuckled.

 She must saw that I looked like I'm gonna pass out.

Then all of a sudden it's like an invisible hand guided my hand to the box and made me pick a paper. By the time I held the paper the invisible hand were gone. I was so shocked that I did not notice Ms. Finns telling me to open it when I opened the little folded paper it said:

“Erlking” in a very curly letters.

  I know that this is not Ms. Finns handwriting. I am very familiar with Ms. Finns writing and I know that this handwriting is definitely not hers.

" What you got Adara?"

" Uhhmm it's erlking" 

Then Ms. Finns face looked puzzled.

" Whats wrong Ms. Finns?" I asked her.

" I didn't have 'Erlking' in my list. I-I don't know how you got it. Oh well. Erlking it is"

" But Ms. Finns"

"No buts Adara, it is unfair if you picked another one. Now off you go."

I went back to my seat still shocked at what happened.

"What happened to you Adara?" Joey asked me, looking concerned.


"It doesn't look like nothing. What is it?" Melissa butted in.

"when I opened the paper it showed that I was assigned to research about the 'Erlking' when I told it to Ms. Finns she said that the 'Erlking' is not in her list and I know that the handwriting In this paper was not hers" I showed the paper to them they were all shocked too. Then Joey said;

"Maybe it got mixed with other papers or something. Don't worry yourself Adara"

" But it is so weird you know. If you really don't want that topic you can tell Ms. Finns I guess she'll understand " Melissa said

"I already asked her. She refused, she said it will be unfair if I pick another one"

"Oh okay, I guess you'll survive and it's not that hard. the only thing you need to do is reasearch it. Don't worry Adara" Melissa assured me.

I just sat in silence as they started bickering about the possibilities how the 'Erlking' got mixed in Ms. Finns box.

I don't know why but I'm starting to get a headache again.

"Now that all of you have an assigned mythical creature, I want you to know all the things that you need to know about that creature. You'll have an oral presentation about it. Goodluck guys. I'll be expecting that assignment next week."

Then the bell rang. Signaling that the class is dismissed.

 I guess this assignment won't hurt. Right?





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