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When I laid in my bed to sleep, I thought about my constant nightmare.

I'm getting sick of dreaming the same dream over and over again.

Every night , before I go to sleep I always pray to God to make this nightmare go away. But I guess praying is not enough. 

I always pray hoping that it goes away but it never happenned. No matter what I do that dream will always haunt me in my sleep.

I know that I did not do anything to deserve this. All I want is to have a normal dream. No one knew about this. If I tell this to mom she will have a fit or should I say 'mother fit'. I know that once she knew this she will ask me to see a psychiatrist or even to take rehabilitation. I don't want that to happen to me and if that really happens to me people will think that I am crazy or a freak.

Maybe I'll tell Melissa. Maybe she could give me an advice. Maybe she'll understand. 

Then my eyes are starting to get heavy.

I was in a forest again, I was wearing a white dress. I am running in a never ending forest.

I want this to stop I am tired of running so I stopped.

I knew that the weeping willow tree will appear again And poof! there it was 

The scary looking weeping willow tree.

I'm very tired of this nightmare happening over and over again. 

I know that this nightmare means something but what does this imply?

The shadow man appeared but this time he was not just a mere shadow he's in a man's body.

I can't determine his face because he wears a black hood.

What's wrong with him? He was once a shadow now a black hooded man?

I just stood there staring at him. Then he spoke.

"My dear, dear Adara" I shuddered upon hearing his deep but velvety voice 

I tried to speak but no words came out. I know that he controls my dream. This is my dream I should be the one who controls this dream not HIM.

"Speak, my dear Adara" He commanded. Then I found my voice again.

"What do you want from me?"  I asked him, 

"Simple" He said. Then he stepped forward so he was just an inch away fro my face.

All the parts of his face are covered with his black hood but the only uncovered part is his lips. His lips had the color of blood. It's like he had the most perfect lips that I've ever seen. Then he said:


Then with an unhuman speed he was away from me.

He was walking towards his horse and jumped up to ride his horse. Where did that horse came from?

"Wait. Why me? Why are you doing this to me? Please answer me! Wh-"

Then he cut me off. "Too many questions. Soon it will be answered. Until next time my dear Adara" Then he was gone. 

By the time he was nowhere to be seen I woke up.

Realization hit me. I was close in finding the answer to my questions. The picture that I researched last night about the Erlking had connection with my dreams. The hooded man. The horse. The forest.  

What's the meaning of this?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2012 ⏰

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