A Phone

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Your fingers touch something metallic, and you take that out. It's a cell phone. Reiner's phone, to be exact. He smiles, gesturing to you.
"And that, my friends, is fate." Reiner announces. He grabs your hand, leading you toward the closet.
"Seven Minutes starts now!" Jean says, pressing a button and closing the door behind you. "Have fun!" Eren yells. A chorus of giggles follow.

You feel your face go hot. "Reiner..."
"What?" He shifts a bit, your head is near his arm now. You think he's facing you.
"N-never mind..."

(It's a small closet, the two of you can't move much. Blah. I'm creating this room, I can do anything. Just enjoy the story.)

"What should we... um... do?" You ask after about four minutes, then mentally kick yourself. You knew what he was going to answer.
"Maybe this?" He brings one hand under your chin gently, the other on your hip. He moves his face until it's a few centimeters away, then takes a deep breath. He closes the gap between your faces, until his lips are resting on yours. He moves his face backwards a bit, until you have to break. "I've been wanting to do that for so long." He rests his forehead against yours, then the timer beeps, the door flying open.
The whole room breaks into laughter upon seeing the two of you. Your face flushes, and so does Reiner's. He kisses you on the forehead, picking you up.
"Reiner, you barbarian! Let me go!" You giggle.
He sits back down, an arm around you and his cheeks a tinge pinker than they usually were.

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