A Chip Bag

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"Choose, (y/n!)"
You pluck one item out of the hat. It's an empty bag of chips. You pull it out, holding it up.
"Mine!" Sasha says, standing up and smiling. You go over to the door right behind her. Jean slams the door as soon as the both of you are inside.

"Chip?" Sasha asks, handing you a chip.
You munch on the chips about a minute, the science broken by laughter, and the sound of coins. A few words were overheard, "kiss", "bet", "(y/n)"
You close your eyes, sighing.
"Are they really placing bets?" You roll your eyes.
Sasha plops to the floor. "Ugh."
"I know, right?"
"I wonder who bet on what?"

A few minutes later, you had decided that Eren, Reiner, Jean, Marco, and Connie had bet that you would kiss, and Annie, Armin, Mikasa, and Bertl had bet you wouldn't.
"How much do you think the wager was?" Sasha asks, crunching on another chip.
"Five dollars?"
"Who knows?"
"Well, time's almost up..."
You hear a "Three! Two! One!" And the door is flung open. You see an annoyed looking Eren slapping some money into Mikasa's hand. You smirk, sitting back down.

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