A Bookmark

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You pull a bookmark out of the hat. Marco stands up awkwardly, blushing furiously.
"Um. That's mine..." He looks at the floor.
Jean lets out a snort of laughter, doubling over in hysterics. Marco's cheeks flush redder, and he walks to the closet. "(Y/n)?" He holds the door open for you to come in, and he closes it behind the two of you. It's now just you, Marco, and the suffocating darkness. Jean starts the timer.

"So." He says after about five minutes.
"Yeah?" You ask, turning toward him.
"Um, never mind..."
You can practically see his face flushing.
"It's nothing..." He says.
Jean knocks on the door.
"Hey! Do something interesting! We're all dying of boredom out here! One minute left, Marco! Do something!"
Everyone starts counting down.
"Fifty. Fourty-nine. Fourty-eight."
"Ugh." You say, rolling your eyes.
"Yeah. Ugh is right." Marco agrees, leaning on the wall next to you.
"Thirty-eight. Thirty-seven."
"This is getting... very awkward." Marco says.
"I wish I could tell them to shut up." You mutter.
"Me too."
"Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten."
"We get it, you guys...." Marco crosses his arms.
"Four. Three. Two. ONE!" The timer beeps. Jean opens the door, grinning. Marco kisses your cheek, leaving with Jean.
"Thank you for the conversation, (y/n)!" He says. "I hope we can maybe get to know each other a bit better in the future?" You blush at his words.
"Y-yeah." You smile at him, sitting back down.


Hello! I'm not dead! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time, but family, school, etc. Oh whale.

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