1. Prologue

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Mysterious voice: Once upon a time...there was prince in a far away land. He was a spoiled brat. That may sound harsh but he was. And for that he got punished. On one winter's night, an old beggar woman comes to visit his castle. In return for shelter, she offerd him a single rose. The prince thaught that she was ugly and unwealthy and sneered her away. The woman told him not to critcize people by appearance. That beauty lies inside. When the prince told her again to go away, she transformed into a beautiful enchantress. The prince tried to make it up but the enchantress saw that there isn't any love in his heart. So she placed a spell on the castle, on his servants and on the prince himself. The prince was turned into a hideous beast. The servants were now hybrids. And the castle fell in despair. The rose that the enchantress gave to the prince, was in fact an enchanted rose. Which will bloom until he was 21. If he could learn to love someone and win their love in return, then the spell will be broken. If not, he's doomed to be beast untill his dying day. He was so ashamed of his appearance that he locked himsellf in his own castle. With only an enchanted mirror as his only window to the world outside. Some years passed and he already lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast....

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