III: Weakness

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"What's been going on with you lately? You haven't been getting in trouble. Your grades are B's instead of D's. You're blushing. You say you don't smoke like that anymore. And you think way more than you talk. Either you're sick or you're a different person." Namjoon says as the other two agree with a nod. Yoongi rolls his eyes and shifts in his seat once again due to the throbbing pain of his butt.

"And the shifting. You shifted like twenty times in the past five minutes. That's not you. Once you find a spot, you stay in it." Woozi adds on to the list of his new 'abnormalities'. That's what SeokJin calls it. Namjoon sighs and rests his hand on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Look, we just want to make sure you're okay. You know you can talk to us about anything. We're your best friends." Yoongi looks up at them and he gets up.

"Come on." Looking at each other confused, they all get up to follow him. On the way out, Mr. Jung walks past, looking the boy directly in the eye. It only made him walk faster. When they reach the restroom, Jin leans on the stall door.

"So what is it?" Yoongi sighs and pulls down his shirt collar to reveal the hickeys Mr. Jung had given him just minutes before.

"Damn, Yoongi! Who the hell did that to you? Look like they tried to suck the life out of you." He punches his brother and Jin looks at him.

"But you've had marks before. You even wore a tank top to school to sow them off. Why is this different?" Yoongi plays with the strings on his hoodie and looks down.

"They're from Mr. Jung." He mumbles barely about a whisper.

"What? Speak up boy. We all know you're loud." Yoongi looks at them and closes his eyes.

"They're from Mr. Jung." Then there was silence. He opens his eyes and sees all their faces twisted up in shock.

"The principal?!" The three boys shout in unison. Yoongi shushes them and a boy walks in.

"And you're okay with this?" Yoongi looks away and the three gasp.

"When did that happen?" Namjoon asks. Yoongi feels his face burning and he bites his lip.

"Before I came into the cafeteria."

"Today?!" The three shout again. Yoongi sighs and walks out the bathroom. There he bumps into Mr. Jung.

"Hello, Yoongi."

"Um...h-hello, Mr. Jung." The three boys rush out of the bathroom and nearly run into the two. He nods and walks away, looking back at Yoongi. Then the bell rings.

"I got to go. I'll meet you guys at Ned's." They all nod and separate. Instead of going to class, Yoongi hides inside the library in one of the study rooms. As he sits there, he starts to think once again. Thinking about why he submitted to him so easily. Being the usual dominant, it threw him off a little. There was also the sudden change in his attitude. All it took was for the man to wink at him. Then the make out session from earlier. He thinks about it and blushes, biting his lip in the process.

Suddenly, the door opens and in walks in Mr. Jung. Yoongi stands up and swallows the lump that forms everytime he sees the beautiful face of his principal. Mr. Jung chuckles.

"There is no need to be nervous, babe." Yoongi picks up his book bag and lowers his head.

"I'm heading to class now." He attempts to walk out only to have Mr. Jung stop him, a strong hold on is wrist.

"You don't have to." Yoongi looks back at him and Mr. Jung takes off the reading glasses that hung around his neck and throws then to the floor. As if his arms hand a mind of their own, he drops his book bag and pulls him close, attaching their lips. Mr. Jung smiles.

"Warming up to me already." Yoongi scoffs as his neck is attacked with kisses.

"The only reason, oh fuck... is it got turned on thinking about earlier." Mr. Jung chuckles and begins to grope Yoongi's ass, making the boy moan. Mr. Jung, like before, covers his mouth.

"It's so hot when you're so vocal. But not here baby." He shoves his knee in between Yoongi's knees and rubs his erection. Yoongi pulls his hair and bites Mr. Jung's hand to keep from making noise. He finally let's him go and pushes him against the table.

"Your pants. Take them off."


The Principal (m.y.g+j.h.s) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now