VIII: Woozi

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"Alright! Everyone introduced themselves!" Woozi looked around at the group of people. He with a few other hospital patients were circled with one person in the middle, the counselor. She points at a boy across the room and he looks shy.

"What's your name and why are you here?" He plays with his hospital clothing and looks down.

"I'm Kim Taehyung. I tried to drown myself."

"What drove you to suicide?" Taehyung swallows the lump in his throat and sighs.

"I hurt my dad and felt guilty. I felt worthless." The woman looks around and sighs.

"Who else attempted to commit suicide by drowning?" Woozi was the only one to raise his hand.

"Well what is your reason?" Woozi watches as everyone looks at him.

"My mother died a month ago and I also felt guilty. I feel as though me and my brother are at fault." She looks at Taehyung and back at Woozi.

"I want you two to talk and get along. Both of you could learn something. What's your name?"

"Woozi." Some of the people his age begin to giggle and laugh.

"Who gave you that name?" Woozi gripped the arms of the wheelchair and his hands shook.

"My dead mother gave me that nickname." They stop laughing and he shakes his head, rolling himself out of the room and into his own. Waiting for a nurse to come help in in his bed, Taehyung walks in

"Hey. I'm sorry about your mom." Woozi smiles lightly and nods. He helps Woozi into bed without question and sits beside him.

"I know we don't know each other but can I tell you something?" Taehyung asks. Woozi looks up at him and nods.

"I didn't just hurt my dad." Woozi raises an eyebrow and could feel confusion picking at his brain.

"What do you mean? You hurt other people?" He sakes his head, getting up and closing the door.

"I'll start from the beginning. My ever since my mom and dad divorced, he's been abusive toward me and my sister. Then one day when I got home from work, I saw him beating her ruthlessly. More brutal than ever before. I grabbed the first thing I saw and hit him. It was a wine glass. I saw it had broken and he was coming for me. Then I stabbed him. And I couldn't stop. After I realized what I'd done, I called the police telling them it was self defense and I didn't get a charge. But I kept hearing his voice. I couldn't sleep and I started hallucinating. I just wanted to die and so I attempted suicide." Woozi looks at him in shock as Taehyung looks down.

"Wow. Well I basically killed my mother so we're the same. Her inhaling all the smoke and toxins from me and my brother's drug addiction caused her sickness and now she's gone." Taehyung looks at him.

"I'm sorry about your mom."

"It's cool. Have you talked to your sister since then?" Taehyung smiles.

"Saw her yesterday. She still wishes I just got rid of him other than killing him but she's glad he's gone." The two sit in silence for a lengthy amount of time before Woozi smiles.

"You wanna watch tv? It's a little boring in this room." Taehyung chuckles as they lay beside each other, watching SNL until they fall asleep.


"Woozi? Hey Woozi." Woozi rolls over and opens his eyes to see Yoongi along with Namjoon and SeokJin. He sits up, feeling Taehyung's arm around him.

"What are you guys doing here?" SeokJin shakes his head and smiles.

"We're your best friends. Why wouldn't we. Jimin is here too but he stepped out." Woozi nods and looks at Yoongi who looked directly at Taehyung.

"Who is that?" Woozi looks at the sleeping boy and smiles.

"Taehyung. He's in the program with me." As if on que, Taehyung started to wake up, looking at the people in the room.

"Taehyung, this is my brother, Yoongi, and my friends Namjoon and Jin. My other friend, Jimin, should be here in a few." Taehyung looks at him with a worried and scared expression.

"Jimin? A-as in Park Jimin?" The four nod. Taehyung stands and straightens his clothes.

"I'll go now." He opens the door quickly but there stood Jimin. He looked up at Taehyung and frowned.

"What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in jail?" Woozi moves to the edge on the bed and felt confused.

"Do you guys know each other?" Jimin glares at him while gripping onto his phone.

"He's my cousin."


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