XI: Reunion

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"Gosh, Mr. Min is so gorgeous."

"I want him to substitute my class."

"I wish he was an actual teacher."

Gripping his pencil, Yoongi held in his anger as girls around him gawked and whispered about his no good dad. With his luck, the bell rings and second later. Everyone begins to exit the classroom.

"Yoongi, stay." Yoongi looks at him and frowns, leaning onto a desk.

"Look I'm sorry I left you all so early in your childhood. I was young and stupid."

"I'm glad you know." His dad sighs and runs his and through his hair nervously.

"I wanted to get my life together before I finally saw you all again." Yoongi chuckles and shakes his head.

"Oh really? All that time?! Eighteen years you missed out. You decided to get my mother pregnant again only to leave her before she had him. I was so young I could barely even remember your face. And mom..." Yoongi could feel the tears threatening to fall from his face.

"She has this mindset that you were going to come back. Now she's gone. And you said you left to get your life together? What about us, huh? Mom was sick and she died pushing herself to her limit because YOU FUCKING LEFT!"

Tears now poured down Yoongi's face as he glared at his father with hatred. Before he could say anything, Yoongi walks out and straight to Hoseok's office. Once he gets inside, Hoseok looks at him with worry.

"Yoongi, why are you c-"

Yoongi hugs him tightly and cries his heart out in his chest. Hoseok kept silent and held him until the crying was over.

"Yoongi. What happened?" The smaller looks at his principal, anger from his father still in his eyes.

"That damn sub." Yoongi could feel Hoseok's grip tighten. He looks up to see the man's jaw clenched.

"Did he hurt you, baby? Did he do something to you?" Yoongi rests his head on Hoseok's chest and listens to his pounding heart beat

"He's my dad." He feels Hoseok's arms around him lighten and a kiss is placed on his head.

"Don't worry, babe. I got it." Yoongi looks at him and wipes his face.

"I don't want him to meet Woozi. It might make him feel worse about the entire situation." Hoseok smiles and kisses his forehead.

"Like I said don't worry baby. Everything will be fine." Yoongi sighs before putting his ear to Hoseok's chest, listening to his heartbeat once more.

"I hope so. I just want him to go back to being out of our lives." Not knowing what to say next, the two just sat there holding each other until the next bell rang. When it does, Hoseok let's go of him.

"Let me get you to class." Yoongi whines as he stops before getting through the door.

"Do I have to?" Hoseok sighs at him and leans in his ear whispering something to him. Yoongi swallows the sudden lump in his throat and they walk to his class. On the way, his father passes by.

"Yoongi, may I speak to yo-" Hoseok stops him.

"I do apologize for interupting you Mr. Min but I need to get Yoongi to class before he is late." His dad nods before Yoongi walks off with Hoseok.

"Thank you." Yoongi says, barely above a whisper. Hoseok smiles at him.

"Anything for you." Hoseok couldn't help but keep his eyes on his boyfriend until they reached his class. Yoongi looks at him.

"I really don't want to go in there." Hoseok raises his eyebrows.

"Oh really. So you don't want me to go through with the promise I made?" Yoongi bites his lip nervously and looks down.

"Fine." Making sure no one was looking, Hoseok leans down and kisses Yoongi's forehead.

"Be good for me okay?" Yoongi nods and walks into class, earning an annoyed glare from his teacher.


"Hey Woozi. How you holding up?" Woozi smiles his big smile and holds his thumbs up.

"I'm doing good. Taehyung has really helped me. And Jimin came around too." Yoongi could see his cheeks turning red. He couldn't help but smile.

"You like one of them don't you?" Woozi looks down.

"What if I liked them both?" Yoongi's eyes widen.

"Really? Please don't stress yourself out about it. You know you stress easily." Woozi nods and Yoongi rough up his hair. Suddenly, there is a knock. The two boys look and Yoongi frowns. Their dad stood their with a car and a stuffed animal.

"What are you doing here?" Yoongi says, blocking Woozi. Their dad frowns.

"I just wanted to visit him. That's all." Yoongi looks at Woozi.

"Who is that, Yoongi?" He pets his hair.

"I'll tell you soon enough." He look back at his dad and frowns.

"You. Outside. Now." The two go outside and Yoongi closes the door hard, catching attention.

"Why are you here? I told the receptionist not to let anyone else up without my permission." His dad sets the gift on the ground and looks at his son.

"I told you. I wanted to visit him. To see him. I can't talk to my own son?" Yoongi frowns at him. He could feel his blood boil.

"You had eighteen years to talk to him. Now all of a sudden he ends up in the hospital and you want to talk to him. I bet if you hadn't been my sub today you wouldn't have even thought about us." His father remains quiet. Yoongi only took it as being right.

"I don't want you telling him your our dad. He'll only feel worse and try to kill himself again."

"He tried to commit suicide? Why didn't you tell me?" Yoongi stuffs his hands into his pockets. They were just itching to punch him but he couldn't get kicked out.

"Maybe if you hadn't fucking left then you would have know. Or it wouldn't have happened. Like I said before, don't tell him. He'll only blame himself for your disappearance and he'll get depressed again. I won't be able to take that." Yoongi walks up to him and picks up the card and stuffed animal.

"I'll take this to him. You can go home now." He walks back into the room and sets the gifts down. He looks at Woozi.

"He was my substitute teacher an heard that you were at the hospital. Nothing more." Woozi gives him a skeptical look.

"Are you sure, Yoongi?" He nods before kissing the top of Woozi's head.

"Now get some rest. I'll be back tomorrow." Woozi nods and Yoongi leaves, Hoseok pulling up.

"I thought you'd still be here. Get in." Yoongi hops in and looks at him.

"Where we going?"

"To my house. I made a promise to you didn't I?" Yoongi looks at him with wide eyes as Hoseok chuckles.

"You're so cute." He says before driving out of the parking lot and onto the highway.

The Principal (m.y.g+j.h.s) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now