Chapter 2

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A/N okay so I'm like, really excited and I have an idea so I'm going to be updating frequently on this I hope. I also hope there will actually be people reading this.


I woke up to the sound of my agonizing alarm. I swung my legs over my bed. I had realized, my mom already signed me up for school and today was the first day. Crap! I groaned and stood up to continue my daily morning routine for school. I looked at my watch, it was 7:30, my class started at 8:00. "God I better hurry up, it's my first day." I mumbled to myself.

~time skip to when you arrive to school~

I walked through the doors and headed to the office. I had not the best intentions to make that many friends. I'd prefer to study my best in all subjects, especially the Troll Culture. I went to the office to pick everything I needed to, my schedule, and a map of the school. I went to my first class and opened the door. The whole class was filled with trolls. I felt.....trapped. Everybody looked at me in awestruck. "Ah! You must be the new student! Introduce yourself to the class if you don't mind." The teacher told me. "I'm...I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N." You said looking to the class. Damn my stammering, you thought to yourself. "Please, take a seat anywhere you'd like." The teacher gave me a warm smile, which made me a little bit calmer. I sat next to a boy, it was the only empty seat there. The boy looked at me and smirk. "Hey doll." He said to me. Oh god, a greaser wannabe, I thought to myself. I ignored him. He started to annoy me because he started to poke my arm. "Doll, cant a guy just talk a pretty little mama?" The boy asked me. I glared at him. "What do you want?" I asked him. I did not want to talk, and I tried to make it clear with my tone. "I just vwanted to talk ya doll." He said. Man, that accent of his. He had slicked back jet black hair. He had fins where his ears should be, he looked well built, he looked...perfect. "Fine. What do you want to talk about?" I said with a flat tone. The fishboy was cute, but I still did not want to talk. "I just vwant to get to know ya doll." The fishboy replied. "What about me?" I asked quite curious because nobody really, cared about me. But he called me, doll, I could just tell he was just a flirt, so I ignored these feelings I had towards him. "Vwell, vwhere do ya come from doll?" He asked me. "Earth." I said with a flat tone again. "I'm half human and half troll." We both continued to talk about ourselves and everything that went on in our lives. I just...I didn't pay attention to class for the first time...and I slacked. I feel quite disappointed in myself for the first time. Maybe...maybe I should change my ways and...make some friends...? I thought to myself. My mom isn't here, nor my dad, maybe this is when I should...lay back, as the other "cool" kids would say. So then, I made a conclusion to just, try to have a little more fun. The bell rang so the fishboy and I left the class, apparently we had all the same classes.

End of chapter 2

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