Chapter 7

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(A/N I'm sorry guys for not updating. NoT like anyone is reading, but somehow I have 104 views on this thing so might as well.)


I began to walk to Cronus' and Eridan's hive. The address they had texted me wasn't too far away so I just wanted to walk.

~Time skip to arriving~

I had gotten to the door and knocked. Eridan opened the door. "Hey, wwelcome to our hivve" he told me. I'm smiled at him. I was quite happy they had invited me over. I had walked in and sat on the couch. "Nice hive you got here." I said, trying to make conversation. "Yes, of course it is! It is the AMPORA'S HIVVE!" Eridan said while finishing up with yelling. "So, uh, where's Cro?" I asked.
"He's in his room. I don't think he heard your knock, wwhich is a good thing I suppose." Eridan told me. Eridan and I started to head toward his bedroom, or rather, respiteblock. While we were walking there we passed Cronus' room, and I could've sworn I heard him singing. I decided to stop and listen.

"I've got chiiillllls they're multiplying....and I'm looooosin' controoll, cause the power, you're supplying, IT'S ELECTRIFYING!"

Hey...I knew this song! I opened the door, "(Y/N), what are you doing?!" Eridan asked me. "I love this song hold up." I replied. I walked into Cronus playing the guitar. I decided to join along in his singing.

"You better shape up! 'Cause I need a man! And my heart is set on you."

Cronus looked up at me and smiled.  I decided to continue.

"You better shape up! You better understand. To my heart, I must be true."

He let out a small chuckle. Eridan had decided to go back to his respiteblock and wait for me, before he left "I'll wwait for you to stop singin that stupid song." I giggled a little.


Cronus and I had just finished the chorus. We both had a good laugh. "Not too bad doll, I didn't knovw you could sing." Cronus told me, he then smiled at me. I had a small laugh. "Heh, there's quite a few things you don't know about me." I told Cronus with a smile. He smiled back at me. "....s-so...uhm..." I stuttered. Cronus chuckled a little bit. "I'VVE BEEN WWAITIN FOR 30 MINUTES" Eridan yells as he opens the door. Cronus and I both stand up in suprise and chuckle a little bit. "Sorry your majesty" I said and jokingly bowed. Cronus laughed at me. Eridan's hands were clenched in fists. He grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me to his own respiteblock. Cronus followed us as well. "Wwell." Eridan said sitting on his human bed. "Well what?" I asked being a confused one. "Are you twwo goin to be matesprits or somefin?" He asked. I looked behind me where Cronus was. "Heh, of course vwe are,right doll?" Cronus asked me as he put his arm around me. I blushed at his sudden touch but then pushed away lightly. "Ha, nope." I said to both Cronus and Eridan. Sure, Cronus and I had that little moment fun together but I'd rather not date Cronus. Whoop. "So, uhm, I'm kinda hungry." I told them hoping I would get food. "Oh! Uhm yeah I'll go fix us some dinner.." Eridan told me. I was thankful, thank the lord jegus gog I'm finally getting food. I've been hanging out with Eridan and Cronus all day and boy, are they some work of art. The Amporas. I smiled, and Cronus noticed this. I caught him staring at me. "What is it fish breath?" I asked him bluntly. Of course, I was joking around. He was starting to grow on me. Am I really starting to like him? I hope to gog not. I thought I liked Eridan. Crap. Am I in love with Cronus? Crap. I think I am. No. No I'm not. I barely talk to him and I barely know him. All I really know is that he's a greaser, seadweller troll, with royal blood in him, and finally, he's a playboy, and boy, did I hate playboys. Except, some how, Cronus was different. He continued to chase after me, and I came to the conclusion that he was ignoring the other girls in school just for me. I blushed at the thought of him going out of his way to date me or rather, become my matesprit. Does Cronus genuinely like me? Gog I hate the feeling of curiosity. "You okay (Y/N)?" Cronus asked me. I had realized I was just laying on their couch, not realizing another home/hive. Whoops. "Yup. Definitely." I replied to him, starting to close my eyes. "So, when is dinner ready?" I asked with my eyes still closed, trying to act all cool like my friend Dave because I'm a complete loser just like him. (A/N sike I love Dave leave me alone.) "Almost ready (Y/N)." I heard Eridan say from the kitchen. "Coolio." I replied, still closing my eyes. I felt myself drift off to sleep until i felt Cronus pushing my arm a little bit to wake me up. I opened up my eyes slowly and looked at Cronus, his face was close to mine, and I felt my face and body warm up. A dark blush crossed my face revealing I was blushing and was either excited or embarrassed that Cronus was right there in my face.
"Like vwhat ya see?" He asked me. I pressed my lips together, not knowing what to say. Something like this never happened to me. I rarely had any boyfriends, or any type of relationship concerning anyone other than myself, for I was always focused onto my studies, but since we've moved, I've decided to let loose and enjoy life better. Cronus, Eridan, and the rest of my friends have really helped me with this. They've helped me enjoy moving, and living here in Alternia. I'd really like to thank them for that. After thinking about all of this, I had realized I was spaced out and Cronus was still there, right in my face.

      End of Chapter 7

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