Chapter 4

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A/N I'm having too much fun making these xD. But I hope someone will enjoy it even thought it seems a little unoriginal so far, but I'll try my best to change the story up and tease you guys so you'll all be pulled in ;)


I woke up again. It's time for me to get ready for school. I can't wait to see that Eridan boy, I thought to myself. (A/N don't worry you won't end up with eridan, although I will make paths for the end for you to end up with Eridan if you'd like (:) I got myself ready for school and started to make my way there, excited to see new friends and, the Eridan boy.

~Timeskip to school~

"H3Y TH3R3 (Y/N)" Terezi came up to me. "Hey Terezi. Where's all these, 'new friends', you were telling me about?" I asked her. I wanted to see them, after I decided to change my ways. To be totally honest, my parents were quite controlling. they made me study all the time and shut everybody out, so it was just a habit to leave all my friends. I realized that people seemed to be happier making so many friends and slacking off, but I thought I was happy enough just studying, and shutting everyone out, after all, I received quite the few academic reward for my grades. I was at the highest ranking of the school. I felt happy and proud of myself. But I still haven't discovered why people were so interested in making so many friends. So now, I'm trying to find out. See what all the happiness is all about. "W3LL 1LL JUST SHOW YOU 4T LUNCH B3C4US3 1 C4NT F1ND TH3M R1GHT NOW." Terezi explained to me. I felt a little disappointed. But it was okay, my lunch period was after my second class period. I went into my first class and sat next Cronus like yesterday. "Hey there Doll~" Cronus said to me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Why does he flirt with everybody, it's so annoying. "Why do you keep flirting with everyone?!" I exclaimed raising my voice at Cronus. We were just leaving so, it was okay for me to raise my voice a little bit. "Vw-vwhat...? Doll.." Cronus looked down at me (he's taller than you btw) with worry and concern in his eyes. The bell had rung for me to go to your next class. So I headed to my next class with out him before he could say anything.

~Timeskip to lunch~

"H3Y TH3R3 (Y/N) 1 C4N SHOW YOU MY FR13NDS NOW 1F YOU W4NT H3H." Terezi came up to me saying. "Oh, yeah sure" I said and smiled.
Terezi lead me to a group of whom she said were her friends. "H3Y GUYS. TH1S 1S (Y/N). SH3S H4VF HUM4N 4ND H4LF TROLL. SH3S N3W H3R3." Terezi introduced me to her friends. "(Y/N) TH1S 1S K4RK4T. H3S 4LW4YS GRUMPY." She explained to me about how rude Karkat usually was. Eventually she introduced everyone to me. "OH, UH...BY TH3 W4Y. TH3R3S ON3 MOR3 P3RSON BUT UH, H3S 4 B1T OF 4 SHOW OFF 4ND H3S QU4DR4NT D3SP3R4T3." She explained to me. I wanted to know who he was but, he seemed very annoying. Terezi had already explained to me everything about quadrants and their troll relationships. I fully understood and decided to consider all of my relationships with quadrants which made me feel more, connected with the Troll culture. I considered Terezi my moirail and she considered me hers. I don't have much intentions to have an autispices with anyone. (A/N sorry if I said or spelt it wrong I only pay attention to moirails, matesprits, and kissimisis.) Nor did I have the intentions on getting a kissimisis. Suddenly the whole lunch table grew silent. I was confused as to why. Everybody was looking at something or, someone, behind me.

End of chapter 4

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