Chapter 10

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(A/N) AHHHH I haven't posted in so long! I apologize for the inconvenience I promise I'll try to post more content more often and improve my writing skills since a few people tried to critique me on it which I'm glad about because I need to know what I'm doing wrong, so thank you guys! Now enough of my boring notes, let's get on with this story!


Welcome back (Y/N), to your horrible life! Confessing that you're red to your flushcrush even though you just convinced yourself that you had no crush, smart move (Y/N).


There goes your computer, another message from Cronus, the troll of your dreams! Now what are you supposed to do? Just ignore him till the next time you see him? No, of course not, you're going to handle this situation just like any mature teenager would, freak out and say some dumb shit to him. You open the computer and see what he says.

CRONUS began pestering (Y/C/H)


CRONUS: (Y/N) are you there?

CRONUS: Vwould you mind please explain'?

(Y/C/H): well,,,what is there to explain ?

CRONUS: Vwhat exactly do you mean by, "I'm red"?

(Y/C/H): what do you think i mean Cronus ?

CRONUS: vwell hell if I knewv i vwouldnt be askin' svweetheart.

You stare at the computer screen for a minute, questioning what you should say, for goodness sake you were a nervous wreck, do you really want a quadrant filled at this moment? Especially this quadrant?

(Y/C/H): Cronus I fucking like you

CRONUS: oh..

(Y/C/H): ...

CRONUS: I like ya too doll, vwhat do ya say we go on a date? ;)

You paused to think one final time, do you really want this? The answer, was yes.

(Y/C/H): id love to cro .

End of Chapter 10

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