Chapter Six

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My eyes open and seek the warmth of Cheryl only to find she's not there. I walked out of her room and made my way through the hall of mazes to the kitchen.

I found Cheryl standing at the stove making eggs and I looked at the clock,; 6:13, which meant we have about a half of a hour before we had to make out way to the school.

"Good morning", I told Cheryl.

She didn't know I was there so she jump and hit me on the shoulder.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry, the smells good.", I said walking behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her neck. My soft lips covered her warm, soft neck.

I stopped kissing her neck and turned her around and started kissing her, grapping her by the waist again. We adjusted our heads, so we can get more into it.

I stopped kissing her and asked if she wants anything to drink as I brought out two blue-tinted glasses and opened the fridge revealing bunch and bunch of foods. I brought out the orange juice and poured the orangey-colored liquid into the blue-tinted glasses and sat them down at the marble countertop.

She told me to take out some plates and set them down next to her. Then she scooped up the eggs with her spatula she was using and plopped them on the plates.

We tooked the plates into the dining room and sat our plates and glasses down next to each other and started eating.

After we ate she took a shower before I did and then we both walked out of the house and walked down the street to the bus stop.

We stood there kissing and we the bus pulled up we went on the bus and made our way to a empty seat.

She layed her head on my shoulder during the whole ride and she fell asleep on my shoulder. I looked out the window and watch the houses and the people pass by in the bus speed.

When we arrived at the school, and I woke her up. We jumped off the bus stairs and, we walked to our first class that we had together and sat in the back as the teacher roared on and on about this and that, and don't forget about that or don't do that.

After our first couple of classes we made our way to the cafeteria and meet Chad and Elizabeth there. We found a empty table and started eating.

They asked if Cheryl was find and asked her if there was any news on her father, yet?

"No, my Mom called me last night saying he was just going deeper into a coma and.....", she broke up crying and we never brought it up for the rest of the day.

After the rest of the class, I made my way to find Cheryl at her locker and we found Elizabeth and Chad and we started walking out.

The main hall was crowded so we took a short cut through the gym.

As we were half-way into the gym, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up sensing something wasn't right, but I took no notice.

As we were a couple of feet to the door the lights turned off!

I looked around and around, and I heard Cheryl cry out. I found her hand and holded.

Suddenly a set of two red lights popped up, and the lights just turned back on and there stood a figure in the stands!

The Day I Turned Into A Wolf [On-Hold Going To Edit It, Looking Back...There was many mistakes]Where stories live. Discover now