Chapter Seven

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Hey Guys. Sorry I haven't really posted lately. Well I hope this is not to late. The Cover art of this was made by  @em4033 Well Here is Chapter Seven of "The Day I Turned Into A Wolf", the Characters and stuff are mine. Copyrighted. Nah nah nah blah blah blah, lets just get to the story.

The first thing I noticed was that there were two figures; one in the stands, looking humans, while another, looking more of a wolf, was by the door to our escape. We could backtrack and make our way to the doors we recently came from, but that would have no point considering that the thing would catch us before we even lay a finger or a toe on the doors.

I looked over to Chad, Elizabeth, and Cheryl. I noticed that Chad and Elizabeth had a dead, blank stare in there eyes, which makes them look dead. But what I really noticed about there eyes was that they turned from, Hazel (Chad's) and Brown (Elizabeth's) to a deep nature green.

The next thing I noticed about them is that they wouldn't keep there eyes of the figure by the doors. There faces seemed incredibly hairier, and same with there hands. There hands seemed to be transforming in to something...different.

I turned back towards the figure in the doorway, paying no attention about the person in the stands because I completely forgotten about it. I pulled Cheryl closer and behind me. She wrapped her arms around me and then that's when I heard it - The sound of ripping clothes.

I turned my head in a quick motion and I couldn't believe what I saw. I didn't see Chad and Elizabeth anymore, all I seen was two wolfs - a deep black colored one and a milky chocolate colored one. They are standing in a pile of ripped clothing that I recognized as Chads and Elizabeth's. 

At first I was in rage and hurt because I thought that these wolfs busted into the school and ate upon Chad and Elizabeth as their supper, but there was no blood. I realized that this was them! I couldn't believe it. My best friend just became a wolf, and I don't know if I am going crazy or what.

I felt my heart start pounding and pounding harder and harder, and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. My head started to pound with the sensation of it being beaten with a mallet ten times. I watched as the figure which I assume of its shape, is a wolf too, jumped at Chad - Well the one I think is Chad (deep black one) because it is in the spot where Chad was standing just a moment earlier.

Chad and the other wolf - which I noticed is a tan colored fur, but yet it is a deep enough color so it can blend into the shadows easily - as they rolled around on the floor clawing each other with there sharp nails stuck into their wolf-like paws.

The tan wolf swiped it's paw at Chad's face causing a deep cut with blood sweeping out, and this is when Elizabeth made her move. She leaped upon the tan wolf, sinking her teeth straight into a spot of the wolf's neck. There was blood sliding down the wolfs fur and you could see some blood in the teeth of Elizabeth.

The tan wolf turned over causing Elizabeth to land on her back, letting go off her grip, with the tan wolf on top of her this was the chance for Chad again, and he jump at the tan wolf causing the wolf to go skating across the hard gym floor.

The tan wolf just got up straight again and leaped itself upon Chand and biting straight into the bit, that it has recently sunk its claws in. I saw the Elizabeth was still lying down and I knew I was the only one who could save us all.

I surveyed the area and noticed a baseball bat still hanging around from probably a game that was play early that day, and I knew I can make it, with out the wolf catching up to me. I sprinted towards the bat with Cheryl running straight behind me, not wanting to be alone by the wolf and when I reached the bat I picked it up and turned around.

The Day I Turned Into A Wolf [On-Hold Going To Edit It, Looking Back...There was many mistakes]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora