Chapter Eight

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How do you do on this cold December day(matters where you live)? Me? Oh I am fine, thanks for asking....yeah that was pathetic! ANYHOW! Here is Chapter Eight of, "The Day I Turned Into A Wolf" and the charaters are mine, story, plot, blah blah blah so forth. Let the story begin..... by the way watch out for the wolfs....they bit.

I couldn't sleep at all the previous night and either could Cheryl, but Elizabeth and Chad slept like baby cubs cuddling up to there Mommy bear. We camped out on, "Hangman" cliff for no apparent reason, but because no one felt like driving for another hour to get home.

I stay up all night in the back of the car and cuddle up with Cheryl in a red and blue blanket with a symbol of a wolf head on it. Throughout the night I kept looking at Cheryl to see if she feel asleep, but as I thought she haven't because she was just as puzzled as I was when Chad and Elizabeth said her father was somehow in this mess, and that people hurt him on purpose. They didn't do it accidently like I thought before.

Cheryl didn't speak to me or look at me the whole night because she probably thought I was sleeping and didn't want to shake me up more than I already am. I didn't talk much easier cause as obvious I was thinking about last night.

I took out my phone that was in my pocket and it read 7:47. Cheryl and Chad should be up at any minute now. I looked at them too see them in the front seats looking peaceful all cuddled up and looking like the best role model for a couple ever.

I was to focused on observing them that I didn't even noticed Cheryl slip from my grasp and make her way out of the car and into the sunlight. I followed in pursuit and found she looks beautiful in the sunlight. Her hair light up with a golden glow and she look unbelievably smoking hot. She is still smoking hot with out the sunlight, but the sunlight brings out her gorgeous eyes and hair. I could stare at her all day but I was interpreted when she started to talk to me.

"It's beautiful out here", she said regarding the overlook of the city.

"Yeah, it is. I used to come here most days after school to get away from school and my family. This was the place where I can relax and be who I want to be.", I told her in reply.

"And what do you want to be?"

"I want to be someone without worries. With-out having to come home with abusive parents, and the life of almost no friend. I want to live a life were others don't have to reply on me. I want a normal life, with a family who cares, and maybe a brother or sister. I want to take them up here at times to relax with them and live a life", I said and added, "...a normal life."

"But know that's dream is never going to happen for sure. I am a fucking werewolf for god sakes. I'm surprised you are still at my side and not screaming over the hills yelling, 'BLOODY WEREWOLF HELP, HELP ME! ITS GOING TO KILL ME'", and after that was said I fell to the ground and put my head in my hands and felt the little tickle of a tear falling down my cheek and into the dirty ground below.

"You know I will never leave your side, no matter what", Cheryl said as she sits on the ground besides me and putting her arm around my shoulders as I was curled up in a ball. "If you were a vampire I wouldn't leave you at all, well maybe if your trying to suck my blood", she said attempting to make a joke and we crackled with a little laughter.

"What am I suppose to do? With all that's going on? I just don't am I supposed to do what I am suppose to if they", gesturing to the car where Chad and Elizabeth were sleeping, "don't tell me what I am up against. They are hiding to much information that I need...."

"In time", was the only words Cheryl said before she screamed.

"WHAT? WHAT IS IT? IS IT ANOTHER WEREWOLF?", I said but then I heard it, the sound of something rolling fast. I looked up at the rest of the mountain we were on because we were only on one part in the middle of the mountain which was a cliff we were on.

I saw a huge boulder of rock that was sailing towards us picking up speed and speed and more rocks. It looked like it was going to hit straight into the car taking Chad and Elizabeth with it!

I tired to run to get them out of the car but the boulder beat me to it. The boulder hit the car straight in the side and I saw Chad and Elizabeth's heads popping up through the back window. I watch in disbelief as the boulder's force of impact cause the car and the boulder flying and off the edge or the cliff!

Before the car fell and as I was staring in disbelief at the car, I saw Chads face look at me before falling off the edge and there was fear on his face. I screamed with Cheryl as the car fell of the edge taking the boulder with it.

All I could hear is a buzzing sound and I just couldn't believe it....the only people who knew what we were up against was in the car....wait...not everyone there was still....Cheryl's father.

I ran to the edge in time to see the car hitting the ground with only a second later the boulder falling on top of the car crushing whoever was inside. I seen the Cheryl was next to me crying her eyes out and I moved her away from the edge and the scene below.

"Go get your phone and call 911 saying you saw this boulder fall and taking the car with them. They must not know who we are because we can't risked being noticed we have no clue who we are up against.", I told Cheryl so she would look at the scene below.

After Cheryl ended the call I realized my phone was still in the car! I hope it was destroyed or something so they can't trace it to me and pull me into questioning and stuff. I also realized that mine and Cheryl's jackets were in the car too leaving us in the cold without jackets. We started our decent down the mountain.

It took around a hour to get to the bottom of the mountain, but we avoided the police cause they came from the opposite direction, which made us relax a little bit. We founded a nearby bus stop to deliver us as close to Cheryl's house as possible, which when we got there, we went inside and fell asleep on the couch.

We didn't talk at all throughout the walk only to discuss going on the bus or not and were we were heading. When we walked into Cheryl's quiet house, I am guessing her Mom is with her Dad at the hospital, and we walked into the living room and turned on the T.V. While watching a movie about wizards and a wizards school where a big battle was happening against someone with no nose.

I fell asleep at the part where the main character was talking to a ghost about a horcruxes or however you say it, but throughout the movie before falling asleep my mind always wondered towards the scene at Hangman cliff earlier. My mind kept saying, "They are dead....they are dead". Finally giving into tiredness from the heavy walk I fell into the darkness..... 

Wow would you listen to that, "CHAD AND ELIZABETH ARE DEAD". Wow. That's sad... 2 out of 3 people who know what Taylor was really up against. There may even be more people who know like that one mysterious girl. Who knows. And btw I was talking about, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" in that last paragraph. All credits all that goes to J.K. Rowling and such. What did you think of the chapter? Do you really think they are dead. I believe so....but theirs always hope. I am not saying there alive...but I'm not saying there dead either. Tune in to see if they are dead or alive and don't let the darkness consume you.......


The Day I Turned Into A Wolf [On-Hold Going To Edit It, Looking Back...There was many mistakes]Where stories live. Discover now