Week Two

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After my "chat", if you can even call it that, with Phil, things got worse. He spent the remainder of the week camped out at Amanda's house. I got really lonely and still am. Phil still hasn't come home and I'm scared he never will. I know I screwed up.

Now it's been two weeks of awkwardness and now anger between us. If this continues any longer, Louise has offered to let me stay with her. I know Phil will eventually come to his senses but this sure as hell will take a long time.

The front door slammed shut and there was stomping down the hall towards my room but it went to Phil's room. He must be home. I knocked on the wall that connects our rooms. "Ph-Phil are you alright bud?" I said loud enough for him to hear me.

"Leave me alone Dan." Ah the phrase that sent off alarms in my head. I stood up from my bed and walked into Phil's room. "What's wrong Phil?" I asked, keeping my distance. "It's none of your business Dan so just leave me alone." I could tell he was upset. "Well I'm just next door, if you want to talk I'm here." I turned around and walked out of the door.

I heard a sigh from behind me. "Dan wait." I turned back around. I gave Phil a puzzled look and he glanced up at me with sad eyes. "I-I think I'm ready to talk.." I smiled slightly and sat on the floor by his bed, waiting for him to open up.

"Um..Amanda and I broke up. I found out she had been cheating on me so I broke it off in fear of being led on any further." I nodded, I wanted to hug him and say everything's okay but given the circumstances and our current stand point I decided it wasn't in my best interest.

"And I'm sorry about what I said last weekend. I was angry because I let that happen and I was scared that Amy would find out and I had a lot of stress and-" I stopped him before he could continue babbling for hours. "Phil. It's alright. I'm not upset." He looked at me then down at the ground. "I made you cry, I distanced myself from you, I'm a terrible friend for putting you through that."

I nodded. "But you did it because you were scared, which is understandable. I probably would have done the same thing." I gave him a reassuring smile. He nodded and sniffled. Phil was never one for the whole tough guy approach. He was soft, like a teddy bear, but his seams were easily ripped open and the stuffing inside could be stolen by anyone who hurt him.

"A-Are we good?" He asked, looking over to me then at his shoes. I smiled. "We're good." I stood up and pulled him into a hug which he seemed to have needed. Phil's mood instantly got better. "So how about we eat some spaghetti and watch Tokyo Ghoul?" I suggested. "Alright." He didn't protest. He followed me to the lounge where I sat him on the couch.

"I'll make us some dinner, you just stay here and be uh comfortable I guess." He giggled and turned on the tv. I went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. I grabbed the noddles from the cabinet and the sauce from the fridge. Once dinner was made and cooled enough, I brought some out to Phil along with some hot cocoa. "Here maybe this will make you feel better."

I sat next to him and we enjoyed our dinner while watching an anime, just like old times. Once dinner and the anime were finished, I decided I would head to the bathroom and take a shower. "I'll be be in 20." Phil knew I'd be longer and just nodded in response.

I walked to the bathroom, picking up a towel along the way. I turned on the knob and waited for the water to warm up, then I slipped off my clothes and got in. The warm water felt amazing on my cold skin. I shampooed and conditioned my hair and washed my body with Phil's raspberry body wash, since that was all we had.

After my shower I caught a glance of myself in the mirror. It looked like I was gaining weight. Nothing I could do, too lazy I guess. One of these years I'll get around to getting fit by this year is not that year. I wrapped the towel around my waist and exited the bathroom.

"Boo!" Phil yelled, jumping out from behind the door. I nearly jumped 12 feet in the air, I managed to drop my towel. "Shit Phil you scared me." He gave me a giggle showing he was impressed with himself then his eyes shifted downwards, to my crotch area. "Don't look!" I blushed and wrapped my towel around me again and rushed to my room.

Once dressed, I laid on my bed just thinking. We were doing to film pinof7 tomorrow. Thank goodness we are okay now or that video would be complete and utter shit. I'm glad Phil was okay about the break up. I'm sure it'll be hard for him but it was for the best.

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