Week Six

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It was 5 am. Why was I awake you ask? Well I felt the unbearable urge to vomit. I sprung from my bed and sprinted to the bathroom. I threw open the door and vomited into the toilet. I tried to breathe but I threw up a mother three times before I was finished.

Déjà vu. Every morning this week I've had to puke. Then I feel nauseous and fatigued the rest of the day. I think it's time I see my doctor like Phil suggested. I flushed then returned to my room to sleep for a while, since I was already feeling fatigued.

At around 11:00 I woke up and immediately called my doctor to see if I could come in today, luckily she was free most of the morning and I could head there at 12:00. I changed into a new shirt and had some difficulty putting my jeans on. "Am I still gaining weight? What the hell?" I sucked in my belly and eventually buttoned my jeans.

I peaked into Phil's room. "Phil, I'm going to the doctor. Do you want anything before I get home?" He looked up from his phone. "Can I come with? I'm worried and I want to know everything is okay." I nodded. "Get dressed I gotta be there in 20 minutes." Phil rushed to get ready and I waited for him in the hall.

Phil walked out of his room. "Let's hurry." I nodded in agreement and we walked down the hall and down the stairs to the front door. "Forty billion stairs later." I said in my best spongebob guy voice. "I see what you did there." Phil squinted and punched my shoulder playfully.

I giggled and we got in a cab. "I'm nervous.." I said, my leg shaking as we got inside the cab and drove off. "Don't be. Everything will be fine. Nothing's wrong with you I know it." He smiled reassuringly and I nodded, trying my best to calm down and breathe.

Phil put his hand on my shoulder. "You'll be okay Dan. Don't worry." I nodded. I turned to look out the window. 15 minutes later we arrived at the doctors office and I got checked in. Phil and I sat down in the waiting room and a short while later I was called back. Phil had to stay.

I followed the doctor to one of the rooms and sat on the bed thing they had inside. "So Dan, why did you come to see me, other than to see your favorite doctor." She smiled. "You caught me Dr. Miller." I giggled. "But in all seriousness I've been feeling strange for about six weeks now." I sighed.

"I've been having mood swings, weird cravings, I'll wake up and sometimes little spots of blood were in my boxers. The last week I've been puking every morning. I feel fatigued and nauseous. My nipples and pecks hurt. I don't know what's wrong with me." She looked taken aback.

"That's a lot of symptoms Dan. Why did you wait so long to come in?" She said writing things down on her clipboard. I shrugged. "Too lazy I guess." She nodded. "I'm going to do some blood work to see if this is messing with your immune system." She left the room.

I swayed my feet back and forth, tapping my fingers as I waited for her to come back. She returned with a needle and vile. "Just relax, you'll feel a small pinch." I closed my eyes and breathed out as she drew some blood from my vein. I inhaled after she was done. "This shouldn't take more than a few minutes. You can go back to the waiting room and I'll call you down when I have the results."

"Okay thank you so much." I smiled and left the room to go sit with Phil. "What did she say?" He asked, his eyes laced with fear. "Nothing yet, she had to take some blood for blood work. She thinks it might be an immune system thing I dunno." Phil nodded and looked at the floor. We waited anxiously for a good ten minutes.

"Dan." Dr. Miller peaked her head into the door way. I quickly stood up and followed her back to the room. "I-I've never seen this happen before, frankly I don't think this has ever happened in the history of medicine." I felt like I was going to puke. "Wh-What is it?" I asked, almost in tears.

"Daniel. You're pregnant." She said, looking sympathetic. I stared at her for a second before bursting into giggled. "Good one doc. That's funny. No but seriously is it like cancer or something?" I said sternly. "Dan. I'm sure. You're pregnant. Six weeks pregnant to be exact."

I felt like someone just told me I was going to die tomorrow. "B-But I can't be pregnant. I'm a man. I don't have a vagina. This isn't possible. I can't be pregnant." I babbled, in tears. "If you want to know the specifics I can do an ultrasound, an X-ray would hurt your baby."

It still hadn't fully registered in my mind that I was pregnant. "My baby.." I said quietly. I put my hand on my stomach and stared blankly at the wall. "My baby...." I repeated. "Do you want the ultrasound Dan?" She said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hmm? Oh y-yeah I do." She stood up. "Follow me." I stood up and she led me to another room.

"Lay back and pull up your shirt please." I did as I was told, laying in the chair and pulling up my shirt. "This will be cold." She squirted a gel on my stomach and I flinched. "Shit that's cold." I shivered. Soon the wand thing, as she explained it to be, was being pressed into my stomach. "See that dot?" She pointed to the screen.

I looked at the monitor. "Y-Yeah." I said, terrified. "That's your baby." I teared up. "I can't tell the gender or hear the heartbeat this early on. So if you can come back once a month for a check up, we can see how your little one is doing. Congratulations, you're going to be a father." The words made my heart swell. "I'm going to be a father." I repeated.

She printed off a picture of the ultrasound and wiped the gel off my stomach. I scheduled my next appointment and walked out to Phil in a haze, staring at the image in my hand. "What's wrong Dan?" He stood up and saw what I was holding. "What's that?" He looked at the image. "Phil. I'm pregnant."

Phil's face went blank. "Y-You're pregnant?"   I nodded. Now it was Phil's turn to be shocked. "How? Wh-Who's the father?" He said, his voice shaking in fear. "You are. This is our baby." I put my hand on my stomach. "We're going to be parents." I said smiling slightly. I didn't get the same reaction from Phil, he frowned.

"I'm not ready to be a father.." He said, breaking my heart. "We aren't even together." He said stating the obvious. "I know..I know. I'm not ready either but I'm against abortion. I'm going to keep them. You can raise them with me or not. Your choice." I shoved the picture in my wallet and walked out of the doctors office and out onto the pavement, not caring if Phil followed.

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