Week Three

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For the past few days I've been waking up with blood in my boxers, not much but enough to be frightening to me. I was slightly worried but didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing. I sat up in bed, feeling my boxers were wet. "Damn. Another pair of boxers wasted." I sat up in bed. "Am I having a period or something, fuck."

I grabbed yet another pair of boxers, my last pair, and some other clothes. I headed to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I quickly showered and got dressed again. I didn't want to bother with my hobbit hair today. "Phil?" I said knocking on his door.

There was shuffling on the other side as Phil opened the door. "Yeah?" He yawned. I just realized how early it was. "Sorry to wake you but I'm going to the shops to buy more boxers, do you need anything?" Phil looked concerned.

"What's wrong with the boxers you have?" Phil said kind of sounding like it was a waste of money. "All of my boxers have blood in them so I have to buy more. Do you want anything because I gotta go." I said getting slightly impatient.

"Just some coffee please." Phil said and shut the door, I heard him lay back down. I walked to the lounge, grabbing my keys and wallet before heading out the door. Time to go down a billon flights of stairs, oh joy.

The tube ride into the shopping district was short, I spent it on my phone researching my symptoms on google. Which wasn't smart. "I either have cancer or I'm having a period. Great." I mumbled to myself as I walked into a shop.

I grabbed a few packs of boxers and walked to the food section of the store. I grabbed a couple boxes of Phil's favorite coffee and headed to the cashier. "Just these thanks." I said to the woman as I set my things in front of her. She scanned them and I paid.

"Have a nice day sir." She smiled, looking me up and down. I nodded before leaving. "H-Hey can I have your number?" She asked, blushing. I smiled slightly. "I-I um...sure." I wrote it down and handed it to her.

She smiled and I left. Another short tube right and I was back home. "Phil! I've got your coffee!" Phil came running down the hall, "Praise the coffee gods. Thank you." He giggled and grabbed the boxes. "Earlier you said there was blood in your boxers...what do you mean?"

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. "I don't know what it's from but I was going to go to my doctor in a few weeks for a check up anyway so I'll tell her about it then." Phil nodded. "I hope everything is okay..." He trailed off.

"It will be. It's not like I'm pregnant or something, that would be impossible." Phil giggled. "Yeah I don't think either of us are ready to be parents. Let's hope it's just like a UTI or something." I shook my head.

"That's not how urinary tract infections work Phil but I appreciate the thought." Phil blushed and shoved me. "Do you want any coffee? I'm headed to make a pot right now." I shook my head. "Not in much of a coffee mood. Ooh can you make me some oatmeal and cut up som pickles and put them in there?"

Phil looked almost appalled. "Pickles? Oatmeal? Dan you hate both of those things and now you want me to put them together?" I nodded. I'd been craving it for the past few days. "I just wanna try it, please?" I asked. Phil sighed. "Okay but it's your funeral."

I smiled and walked to my room to put my new boxers away. I hope this bleeding was like a week only think because I can't afford to keep buying new underwear every week. After they were put in the drawer, I pulled out my laptop. Pinof7 seemed to be quite the success.

I read through some of the comments, people were saying Phil's stress mushroom was a dildo. It was but Phil didn't realize it. I just liked to mess with him. It took a few hours and a lot of scrubbing to get the sharpie off our faces.

Our friendship was returning slowly but surely. Phil opened up further about Amanda and I hugged him tight when he would get upset. "It's her loss Phil. If she couldn't see how good of a guy you are, find another girl. One that will treat you better. You deserve to be treated right."

I changed into loungey clothes and carried my laptop to the couch, assuming my browsing position. Phil brought me my weird dish and I ate it happily, it didn't taste half bad. "Is there enough for seconds?" I asked and he looked slightly caught off guard.

"You liked it?" He said staring at my empty bowl. "Yeah it was really tasty. Is there anymore?" He nodded and I got up, filling my bowl with more of the concoction. "Thanks Phil." He nodded again. "So uh what's new?" He asked rather awkwardly.

"Not much, you know about the bleeding already. I met a girl down at the shops, she was nice but I don't think I need a girlfriend so I think we will be friends. Besides, no one would want to date me." I mumbled and took another bite.

Phil scoffed. "There's someone for you, you just gotta look for them." I nodded and finished my food. "What's on the agenda for today Philly?" He shrugged. "Lazy day, just lay around and be lazy. Sound like fun?" I smiled. "Yeah tons of fun."

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