Week Four

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I yawned as I woke up. I reached to my nightstand and turned on my phone. 12:45. I rolled over on my stomach and winced. My nipples and pecks were sore. What the hell? I sat up and held them in confusion.

Must be a sign, I should get up. I sighed and stood up. I don't wanna get up but I have to film a video soon. "Should I put a shirt on? Nah." I said to myself. I walked out of my room and down the hall towards the kitchen. Phil must have gotten there first because I heard him making bacon.

"Morning Phil." I yawned and walked in. "Hey Dan." He smiled. I smelled the bacon, at first it smelled yummy but my stomach decides otherwise. I gagged and covered my mouth. "Fuck fuck fuck." I ran to the bathroom and threw open the door.

I emptied the contents of my stomach into the porcelain bowl. I dry heaved a few times before vomiting again. I sat against the door frame and breathed heavily. "What the hell?" I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth a few times.

"That was weird. Bacon never makes me nauseous." I said to Phil once we sat in the lounge. "Are you sick or something?" He asked taking a bite of his BLT. I shrugged and sat back in my seat. Phil finished his sandwich and sat next to me.

"Do you want some tums or something? Will that make you feel better?" He looked concerned. "I'm not sick. I don't know why it made me vomit. I'm sure it's nothing." Phil nodded. "When are you going to film your video?"

"Maybe around 3:00? I need to lay down for a while. I couldn't sleep much because my pecks hurt when I laid on my stomach." Phil stared at me funny. "Your pecks hurt? Does this make them hurt?" He gently poked my pecks. I winced.

"Dude. They're sore. Was that necessary?" I rolled my eyes. "Jeez sorry." I stood up and went back to my room. I laid on my back and sighed. I could have been nicer to Phil. "Hey Phil?" I yelled, hoping he'd come back to my room. I heard footsteps headed to my room.

"Yeah?" He sounded pisses off. "Hey I'm sorry. I could have handled that batter. I'm sorry." I said looking him in the eyes. Phil's glare softened. He walked over and sat next to me. "It's okay. If you say your pecks hurt I shouldn't have poked them. I'm sorry too."

I smiled slightly. "Maybe after I film my video we can go to dinner and then the cinema? I'm tired of being home right now." Phil nodded. "Sure any place in mind?" I shook my head. "Maybe we could go to Nando's? It's close to the cinema." Phil smiled. "Okay sounds like a plan.

I smiled back. I stood up and grabbed my camera. "Wanna stay here? It won't take long to film you can sit out of view or something." Phil nodded and sat on the floor out of view as I set up my camera and lighting and such. I put on a shirt, fixed my hair and sat on my bed.

I filmed a quick video and Phil was smiling at me the whole time, waiting patiently for me to finish. "You can click subscribe if you want to see more of my videos and check out Phil and I'd gaming channel here." I pulled Phil up into view and made a box with my hands over his face and he giggled.

I turned off the camera and put the SD card in my laptop where it would stay until I came back from the movie. "Ready to go bud?" Phil said grabbing his phone. I nodded. "I need to change out of my pajamas." Phil nodded and left the room, shutting the door.

I changed into some black jeans and grabbed my coat before heading down the hall. "I'm ready. To Nando's we go." I smiled and unlocked the door, Phil followed me out and then we made our way into town.

As soon as we walked into the restaurant and I inhaled the once satisfying aroma, my stomach did a flip and I gagged. "B-Be right back." I ran to the back of Nando's and burst into the bathroom. I threw open one of the stalls and vomited into the closest toilet.

I coughed a few times and spit out the remaining mucus. I sat back breathing heavily and collected myself. I flushed the toilet and left the bathroom. Phil looked worried. "Are you alright? Did you puke again?" I nodded. "I'm fine." I smiled, trying to breathe through my mouth so we could still have our meal.

Dinner was difficult, I felt nauseous the whole meal but tried to keep it on the down low for Phil's sake. I didn't want to ruin the night. "Are you sure you're up to seeing this movie Dan? We can go home if you're feeling sick." Phil said with a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I told you I'm fine. Let's go see this. We've wanted to see it for months and now we can." I smiled, trying to calm my stomach by breathing slowly. It helped a little. Phil nodded and opened his mouth to protest but I was already headed down the street towards the cinema.

We got our tickets and sat in our seats, chatting while the previews played. The movie was as good as we had hoped and Phil wouldn't shut up about it on the way home. "Are we near a garden? I smell tulips." He squinted. "Yeah there's one a few buildings down, how can you smell that?" I shrugged and unlocked the door.

Little feet~Phanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن