Week Five

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Phil Phil look!" I giggled as I showed him that my channel was close to another subscriber milestone. "This is amazing! I'm so happy! I can't believe this is happening." I smiled and he smiled back. "That's great Dan. I hope you get more soon. I'm proud of you bud." I smiled and hugged him gently. I was in an oddly good mood this morning.

I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast when the realization hit me. Phil has less subscribers than me and I basically just rubbed my success in his face. I felt terrible. How could I do that to my best friend? That's so cruel of me. I teared up at the thought of how sad Phil must be that I did that.

I sat there crying silently for a few minutes and feeling terrible for what I did. Soon I pulled myself together enough to apologize. "H-Hey Phil?" I walked up to him, rubbing the back of my hand as I fought back tears. "Yeah Dan?" He looked caught off guard. "Why are you crying?"

I sniffled. "I-I feel terrible for rubbing my subscriber count in your face. You deserve more than me and I was cruel to you. I'm so sorry." I teared up again. Phil simply shook his head and smiled. "Dan it's okay. That's nothing to cry about. I'm not upset and you shouldn't be either." He smiled.

I nodded. "Sorry my emotions are all over the place. I don't know what's going on, I never cry." I laughed softly, wiping away my tears. "I'm acting like a little bitch." Phil giggled. "No you aren't. You can express emotion. You don't have to keep it cooped up all the time." I nodded. "I think I need a nap."

I left Phil and went to my room. I turned out the light and laid down. A short nap later, I woke up feeling extremely down. I sighed and rolled over. I don't want to get up. "Dan! PJ and Chris are here!" Phil yelled and I heard two sets of footsteps.

"Hey Dan." PJ smiled as he walked in my room with Chris. I smiled slightly but secretly wanted them to leave. "What's wrong Danny?" Chris asked leaning on the door frame. "Oh nothing." I sighed and sat up. "You seem down, are you okay?" PJ asked. "Yes I'm fine!" I snapped.

"Jeez sorry." I scoffed and rolled over. "Why are you here?" I asked, bitterly. "We wanted to hang out? What's your problem?" PJ said crossing his arms. "Maybe I don't want company. Just fuck off, I don't want you here." I laid back down and rolled over, my back now facing them.

I heard PJ chuckle and scoff. "Come on Chris. Dan is being an ass, let's hang out with Phil." I heard them leave the room, Chris slamming the door shut. I flinched. "I'm not being an ass, they are. They're the asses." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around myself.

Why did I get so pissy all of a sudden? Two of my closest friends stopped by to hang out with me. I should have been happy. I shouldn't have snapped at PJ. I teared up. I may have just ruined our friendship. I fucked up big time. The tears fell like waterfalls. I never cry, why now? What's wrong with my emotions?

I soon calmed down and all I was left with was a few stray tears and hiccups. I sniffled. I should go apologize, to make things right. I was in the wrong not them. I got out of bed and slowly made my way down the hall, hiccuping every few steps.

"Dan?" Phil was the first to notice I was crying. My arms were still wrapped around myself. "P-Peej, Chris, I'm so sorry. I-I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I'm really sorry. I'm such and ass and I fucked up our friendship. I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore..." I looked down at my socks and sniffled.

There was silence other than my hiccuping. I heard someone get off the couch, then arms were wrapped around me. "It's alright, I could have handled it better. No worries mate, we are still friends." I hugged PJ back, crying softly into his shoulder.

"I'm no upset either. We're good." Chris smiled from the couch. I smiled back and pulled away from PJ, wiping my tears. "Thanks for tolerating me. Phil already knows my emotions are all sorts of screwed up." Phil nodded. "Are you upset about something?" I shook my head.

"Well, since we are all good, how about Mario kart and pizza night?" Phil suggested. We all agreed and I pulled up the website. "So two big pizzas to share or four mediums no sharing?" I asked. "Mediums." They all said in unison. I giggled and ordered the pizzas, feeling better already.

Little feet~PhanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ