2- Escape of Reality

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For days now, I have become so restless, and having already lost track of time, I find myself finally drifting off to sleep, a dream forming in my head. It was a dream about her; a memory of our last night together before she left; a night under the infinite stars...

We lay in a field of grass, her head resting up against my chest as her hands draws lines in the starlit sky; connecting the stars together. She was laughing, her voice no more than a whisper as sleep began to overcome her. By the time her breath evened and her body stilled, I closed my eyes to join her in assumed sleep, and right as I had, she turned her head so she could see me and spoke in a cloudy, almost distant voice: "What do you think is up there?"

I had opened my eyes to look at her, her eyes heavy as they begin to drift, forcing her to struggle against them to keep them open. I run a hand through her hair splayed out on my stomach, looking back up to the stars in way of answering. "I honestly have no idea; I guess whatever you imagine it to be."

With her eyes still glued to the sky, I watch as a smile crawls over her lips. "Its so peaceful; I bet you it's beyond beautiful!" I feel her laugh more than I hear it and see her moonlit face grow even brighter.

"Just like you," I say in a lower voice.

I guess she'd heard me because her lips pull into a thin line, her body growing more tense. When she finally comes to relax again, she rolls onto her stomach, her elbows propping her up. Looking up to her, her soft, hazy eyes peer down at me and I can see all of her dreams as the close in around her.

"I love you." She says matter-of-factly. "More than anything or anyone else in the world. You're all I could ever ask for and will always own a rightful place within my heart." With her voice quiet already, it seemed to come and go with the low breeze, her voice nothing more than a dream to me as I fall farther into sleep. "You've changed everything for me! After you entered my life, I found so much more meaning in who I am and all that I'm capable of doing. You gave me all these new dreams to dream!" As excited as she was, her voice began to shake ever so slightly and her eyes began to turn glossy with traces if fresh tears. I pull her down to me, tucking her against me as her body trembles lightly against mine; my arms warming her.

I wanted to say something but I knew there was nothing to say; to be said. I knew she didn't need to hear how much I, or anyone else, cared; I knew that she didn't need to be told that everything was going to be alright. All she needs is proof that I do care for her and that, no matter what, I'm here, for now, and for good. Words truly mean nothing unless you can prove them. She believed thus, and I knew that she believed me.

Looking up at her, I begin to fall asleep for the final time of the night. Closing my eyes, I feel her lips brush up against mine in a ghostly manner and feel her words run over them, her voice lolling me farther into sleep: "I dream of you, and I dream of all of the things we could do; become. Come with me..."

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