11- A Walk on Broken Glass

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Landing at Airport avenue in Los Angeles, I find my things and call for a taxi, asking the driver to take me to the nearest hotel possible. As the taxi pulls to the curb, I pay him for the short trip and enter, finding that I am 'lucky' to get the last room available. In the tiny room I had gotten a key to, I place down my things and boot up my phone; typing 'Venice Beach into my GPS search engine.

I had to consider whether or not to call a taxi or walk as my GPS told me that my destination was only fourteen minutes away. Driving seemed faster but I decided on walking for to purposes. One, the sight, and two, avoidance of traffic. Either way, I'd make it to Venice Beach, but stepping outside, I felt myself relax with so many possibilities.

I kept replaying how everything would turn out, and along the way, I kept building up so much hope. By the time I got to Venice Beach, a part of that hope teetered at seeing all of the people that crowded the sandy banks and wavy water. I neared the crowds, my sight brushing over everyone in sight.

It was all so much, so crowded, and hope kept slipping away from me, as everyone I passed, was anyone but her.

I seemed restless as I pushed myself forward, and finally, I found her. She stood just outside of everyone else, her feet half buried with the water that laps up against her tanned skin. She wore a dress that was shorter in front and longer in the back, flowy. In the back the wind blew the material around, her dresses end only grazing the water in a soft kiss. Her hair was longer than when she had left and standing there, she seemed so alone..

I made my way out of the crowded area that I'd surrounded myself in, struggling to push through everyone, but not in the clearing, I called out to her. I couldn't be so sure as to if she had heard me so I kept on moving forward; nearing her.

I was almost to the bed of water when I stepped on a piece of glass, the piece of it crushing under my shoes and causing me to look down. There on the mucky sand was a word that had been inscribed there by herself.


It was in her writing and it made my heart flutter, and now so close, I call out her name again and this time, she hears me and turns.

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