7- MIA to CA (pt. 1)

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There will come a time when we run out of things to say, or nothing sounds right. This is my time because life is unfair and only now do I have something to fight it for; her. I can't imagine a life without her in it and now she's managed to find a loophole in our world together, creating a whole new one without me in it. In some way it doesn't make sense; none of this does. In an example of words, imagine a sun. For twelve or so hours of the day, the sun is out and it lights up everything and makes everything glow and happy. Now imagine the world without a sun. Technically, without a sun we would all be dead, but aside for that, think of all of the dark that would surround us and the cold depression of it. I guess that's how I see her, my sun, and now that she's gone, I've become so cold and depressed and I've shut myself up into the dark. Now even when I want the light, the sun back, I can't get it back without her help...

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