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Have you, ever in your life, felt breathless? Has something ever taken every inch of breathe right out your body?  That desolate state of unfeeling that splashes against your idle mind. Lost and yet not despaired. There but with your soul wandering  within.  Looking, and yet coming up empty.

Have you ever been an echo of what you were?  Think there's  nothing  beyond the horizon? Well if you do, you're  mistaken. Don't let temporary  hurdles keep you restless.  Because  what you may think is the end of your world or even your luck , may just turn out to be the beginning.

Breathless  and tired? Lying on the floor writhing  with this unknown  pain? Miserable to the inch of your soul? 

Then breathe life into yourself.
Hold on, move on and go on.

Observe , learn and jump forward.

And then you will experience  the change.

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