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If I had to write about positivity, there's just probably one person who'd come to my mind. And today's chapter is dedicated to my light. 

What is positivity?  Some say it's a state of mind but it's more than that. Positivity is when things are going downhill and you're at the edge but you refuse to fall down, you  refuse to acknowledge the world's ill wills. 

Positivity is the sheer strength that you depict. Positivity means believing in yourself and your cause, as you rise up above all your obstacles. 

Positivity my friends is not a mood or an emotion. It's not something that comes and goes. Rather it's a whole different way of living.

Positivity does not fluctuate. It can't be shaken out of you and it comes with mental strength and depth of character. Positivity cannot be achieved overnight, it requires grit and gumption.

Positivity comes with its fair share of failures.

 Our failures develop our strengths and build the base required to live positively in our future.

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