Time Will Pass

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The clock is ticking and the time is running. Hurry, match your paces or you'll be left all alone, like the lost souls that wander at night. Looking for a place to call their homes. Failing to realise that within them exists what they truly seek. They wander aimlessly, in oblivion and gluttony. Stomachs full of passed time, they lounge wasted on the seats of life. Eventually, death crawls to them and they leave this world indifferently. Nobody remembers them. Not a sign of their memory remains. They vanish in a poof of air. 

We're in our own whirlpools, the tsunami ready to swallow us up even if we dawdle for a day. There's no stopping this menace called ageing. you can only go along with it in a state of graceful acceptance. Because only acceptance will help you defeat the sands of time and keep yourself a step ahead of it.

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